
  • 网络ceramic filter
  1. 基于ANSYS的陶瓷过滤机真空转筒的强度分析

    Strength Analysis of Ceramic Filter 's Rotary Vacuum Based on ANSYS

  2. 基于ANSYS的陶瓷过滤机主轴电机斜撑支架的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on Bracing Bracket of Spindle Motor in Ceramic Filter Based on ANSYS

  3. P系列新型陶瓷过滤机在铁精矿过滤的应用实践

    Application Practice of P series New Type Ceramic Filters in Iron Concentrate Filtering

  4. 结果表明:陶瓷过滤机生产能力达500~2000kg/m2·h,滤饼水分小于10%。

    Result shows the capacity of ceramic filter is up to 500 ~ 2 000 kg / m 2 · h and the moisture in cake is less than 10 % .

  5. 最后,在有限元分析软件ANSYS中建立陶瓷过滤机支撑机架的有限元模型,对其进行静力分析,并利用ANSYS的优化模块对支撑机架进行优化设计。

    Lastly , finite element model of the supporting stand in ceramic filter is built in ANSYS , the finite element analysis software , to conduct static analysis and optimize the design of the supporting stand by ANSYS optimization module .

  6. 介绍了HTG型陶瓷过滤机的工作机理、工艺流程,以及在铁精矿脱水应用中存在的问题及改进措施。

    Based on explanation of its working principle and technological process , the application of HTG type ceramic filter in dewatering of iron ore concentrate , problems existed in application and suggestions for improvement are discussed .

  7. 永平铜矿针对硫精矿水分偏高的问题,决定采用HTG-45型陶瓷过滤机进行脱水。

    In view of the high moisture of its sulphur concentrate , Yongping Copper Mine decided to use HTG-45 ceramic filter in the dewatering .

  8. 经过试验研究、半工业试验,选用用瓷过滤机进行工业生产。结果表明,陶瓷过滤机生产能力达1500~2000kg/m2,水份小于12%,滤液含固碍0.004%。

    The results of test study and trial production shows the production capacity of ceramic filters can reach 1500 ~ 2000kg / m2 , the moisture of concentrate is less than 12 % , the solids content in filtrates is 0.004 % .

  9. 介绍陶瓷过滤机的原理、特点及国内应用实践;利用过滤面积1m3的小型工业试验陶瓷过滤机对冶炼渣选矿厂铜精矿进行工业试验,探讨其可行性。

    The article introduces ceramic filter 's principle , character , application , and completed industrial test for using minitype industrial ceramic filters with 1 ㎡ filtrating area to filtrate copper concentrate produced from smelting slag in concentrating mills to discuss its feasibility .

  10. 陶瓷过滤机陶瓷板微孔堵塞原因及处理

    The blockage reason and the treatment of the porous ceramics plate

  11. 陶瓷过滤机在永平铜矿的工业试验及生产应用

    Industrial Test and Production Application of Ceramic Filter at Yongping Copper Mine

  12. 陶瓷过滤机分配头结构的改进

    Improvement on the Dispenser - head Structure of Pottery Filter

  13. 陶瓷过滤机在金川铜镍精矿生产中的应用

    Application of ceramic filter in copper and nickel production in Jinchuan Company

  14. 陶瓷过滤机应用于浮选铜镍精矿的研究

    A Study on Application of Ceramic Filter in Flotation of Copper-Nickel Concentrate

  15. 硫铁矿用陶瓷过滤机脱水的半工业试验

    Semi-industrial Test for Dewatering of Pyrite Mine by Ceramic Filter

  16. 陶瓷过滤机在转炉渣选矿厂的应用研究

    Study on Application of Ceramic Filter in Converter Slay Concentrator

  17. 真空陶瓷过滤机高效节能机理的探讨

    Mechanism Discussion on high efficiency and save energy of vacuum ceramic filter

  18. 陶瓷过滤机在选矿尾矿及其它工业废渣处理的应用

    Application of Ceramic Filter in Tailings and Treatment of Other Industrial Waste Residue

  19. 浅谈陶瓷过滤机在镜铁矿脱水的应用

    On Ceramic Filter at Application of Dehydration Iron Mirror

  20. 影响陶瓷过滤机产能的因素

    Factors that affect the production capacity of ceramic filter

  21. 提高铝土矿选矿中陶瓷过滤机产能的探讨

    Discussion of raising production capacity of ceramic filter in one dressing of bauxite

  22. 陶瓷过滤机在铅锌选矿厂的成功应用

    Successful Application of Ceramic Filter in Lead-Zinc Concentrators

  23. 陶瓷过滤机的清洗实践与探讨

    Practice and Investigation of Ceramic Filter Cleaning

  24. 陶瓷过滤机投资大,但单位精矿过滤成本较低;

    The investment in ceramic filters is higher , but the operating costs are lower ;

  25. 国产陶瓷过滤机的应用

    Application of domestic - made ceramic filter

  26. 使用陶瓷过滤机降低精矿水分提高精矿质量的作用

    The affect of bring down essence mine adam 's ale and improve essence mine quality by ceramics filter

  27. 介绍了P30/10-C型陶瓷过滤机与TCW-12型过滤机对比的结果。

    The comparison between P30 / 10 - C ceramic filter and TCW - 12 filter was made .

  28. 介绍陶瓷过滤机在铜冶炼烟气制酸装置污水处理系统中的试验、选型及应用。

    Test , selection and application of porcelain filter in the swage treatment system of a copper smelter acid plant are described .

  29. 利用过滤面积1m2的小型工业试验陶瓷过滤机对冶炼渣选矿厂铜精矿进行工业试验,探讨其可行性。

    A small-scale industrial testing ceramic filter of 1 m 2 filtering area was used in testing copper concentrate from slag concentrator to investigate the feasibility .

  30. 本文介绍了国产陶瓷过滤机在过滤硫精矿中的使用及效果,结合实际提出了用好陶瓷过滤机的几点建议。

    This article introduces the utilization of domestic-made ceramic filter into pyrite concentrate filtration and the results and puts forward some suggestions for efficient utilization of the ceramic filter .