
  • 网络declarative;Declarative knowledge;know what
  1. 教师如何更好地改善教学,传授陈述性知识?

    How can teachers improve their instruction on the declarative knowledge ?

  2. 复杂陈述性知识的学习过程是怎样的?

    What is the process of complex declarative knowledge learning ?

  3. 第四部分基于Web的个别化网络教学支持系统分析:首先分析了网络学习活动的分类:陈述性知识的学习、问题解决和策略学习;

    Four Analysised the respective learning and teaching support system based on Web . The first classed the learning content on Web .

  4. 陈述性知识和数学信念在问题解决中的影响研究

    A Study on Influence of Declarative Knowledge and Mathematical Beliefs on Problem-solving

  5. 陈述性知识的精致和组织与词汇信息加工论

    Elaboration & Organization of Declarative Knowledge and Vocabulary Information Processing

  6. 道德文化知识分为陈述性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识。

    Moral cultural knowledge consists of narrative knowledge , procedure knowledge and strategic knowledge .

  7. 获得程序性知识的途径有三:通过获得陈述性知识掌握程序性知识;

    Procedural knowledge can be acquired by : ( 1 ) mastering declarative knowledge ;

  8. 第二章着重论述复杂陈述性知识的特征和变化类型。

    Chapter two discusses basic characteristics and types of changes of complex declarative knowledge .

  9. 陈述性知识的认知策略在语块记忆中的应用

    The Implication of Cognitive Strategies of Declarative Knowledge to the Memorization of Lexical Chunks

  10. 第三章重点建构复杂陈述性知识学习过程的模型。

    Chapter three constructs the model of the process of complex declarative knowledge learning .

  11. 复杂陈述性知识学习的研究

    Research on Complex Declarative Knowledge Learning

  12. 陈述性知识的欠缺;

    A lack of stated knowledge .

  13. 陈述性知识与英语认知

    Declarative Knowledge and English Cognition

  14. 其间主要论及两种不同的知识:陈述性知识和程序性知识。

    The focus is on the correlation between reading and declarative knowledge as well as procedural knowledge .

  15. 复杂陈述性知识学习过程中学习活动对学习成绩影响研究

    A Research of the Effect of Learning Activities on Achievements in the Learning Process of Complex Declarative Knowledge

  16. 一旦陈述性知识转化为过程性知识它将有助于提高学生的阅读能力。

    Procedural knowledge will benefit students in improving reading abilities once they are turned to be procedural reading strategies .

  17. 从梳理概念改变的理论入手,阐明支撑概念改变的是复杂陈述性知识;

    Starting with setting forth the theories of conceptual change , it elucidates that declarative knowledge supports conceptual change .

  18. 当代信息加工学习理论把人类的知识分成两类:陈述性知识和程序性知识。

    Knowledge into two categories , including declarative and procedural knowledge , according to contemporary learning theory of information processing .

  19. 从认知心理学的角度来看语感是一种界于陈述性知识和程序性知识之间的对语言的感性认识。

    Accumulating sensibility from cognizing psychology angel . Language sense is a geist cognition between recite knowledge and program knowledge .

  20. 英语口语水平的发展经历三个阶段,即:陈述性知识阶段、程序性知识阶段及程序性知识的重构阶段。由陈述性知识转化到程序性知识的发展阶段是:认识、联想和自动。

    The language development consists of three stages : declarative knowledge , procedural knowledge and the restricting of procedural knowledge .

  21. 此阶段学习的知识以陈述性知识为主,因此教学以传统的基于客观主义的模式为主。

    As knowledge to be learned at this stage is mainly declarative knowledge , the traditional objectivism-based teaching model prevails .

  22. 现代认知心理学理论把知识分为三类:陈述性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识。

    According to present cognitive psychology , knowledge consists of three parts : declarative knowledge , procedural knowledge and strategical knowledge .

  23. 从认知角度讲,阅读策略开始作为陈述性知识,在反复的练习中它可以从陈述性知识转化为过程性知识。

    From cognitive perspective , reading strategies may begin as declarative knowledge , and then turn into procedural knowledge with repeated practice .

  24. 专家对陈述性知识的掌握在整体上比新手优化。

    On the whole , the experts ' mastery of the declarative knowledge is much more perfect than that of the novices .

  25. 语文知识大体可分为陈述性知识和程序性知识,语文课程中程序性知识太少。

    Knowledge of languages can be roughly divided into declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge and procedural knowledge in language courses too little .

  26. 首先,利用陈述性知识表征理论&激活扩散理论对品牌相关知识进行扩展。

    First of all , use declarative knowledge to represent theory & spreading activation theory to carry out expansion of brand-related knowledge .

  27. 在方法上,如何抽取个体领域知识(既包括陈述性知识,又涉及程序性知识),以及细致描述知识与能力之间关系?

    How to elicit domain-specific knowledge ( including declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge ), and to explain the relation of knowledge and competence ?

  28. 现代认知派认为,知识是个体通过与其环境相互作用后获得的信息及其组织,个体的知识可以分为两类:陈述性知识和程序性知识。

    The modern cognitive school argues that knowledge is the information and organization that come from the interaction between individuals and their environments .

  29. 科学过程技能属于程序性知识,也属于智慧技能的高阶成分,其习得的过程与陈述性知识须臾不可分离。

    It is the high level intelligence skill . The learning of science process skills cannot be separated from the learning of descriptive knowledge .

  30. 陈述性知识是以命题网络形式储存起来的,作为知识储存的一种方式,增添是广告误导推理产生的认知心理基础。

    Declarative knowledge is stored in propositional network , and elaboration , as a knowledge organizing structure , is the source of misguided inference .