
  • 网络display design
  1. 目前酒店的装饰设计以及陈设设计成为了我们设计行业的一个重要研究领域。

    At present the adornment design and display design of the hotels as become one of the important research topics for our design industry .

  2. 在陈设设计领域,如何继承与发扬传统文化,一直是我们大家关注的问题,这既是我们的社会责任,也是人们对生活质量的进一步要求。

    In the interior display design realm , it 's our social duty to inherit and develop the traditional culture , and it is also the further request to the living quantity .

  3. 浅谈现代室内陈设设计中的人文因素

    On the Humane Factors in the Decor of Modern Interior Design

  4. 长久以来,陈设设计在室内空间中展示出强大的艺术表现力。

    Furnishings design has long been demonstrated in the interior space in a strong expression .

  5. 室内陈设设计跟室内设计一样,是一种难于解释的东西。

    Interior furnishings design is the same as interior design , which is difficult to comprehend .

  6. 陈设设计与室内二次空间限定

    Furnishings Design Interior Second Space Dividing

  7. 现代空间陈设设计是一个有着丰富内容,实际广泛领域的课题。

    The modern space furnishings design is a country with rich content , the actual subject of a wide range of areas .

  8. 其核心议题是:生活方式在家居陈设设计中如何体现?家居陈设又是如何影响并促进人类生活方式的和谐发展的?所谓物以类聚,人以群分。

    The core problem is that is : life in the home furnishings design to embody ? Home furnishings is how they affect and promote the harmonious development of the human way of life ?

  9. 从构思创意、空间布置、界面设计、照明设计、陈设设计、人性化设计、绿化设计和导向设计并结合恩施地区的地域民族文化进行设计实践。

    From the idea of creativity , space layout , interface design , lighting design , furnishings design , user-friendly design , green design and guide the design and combination of the geographic areas in Enshi design practice of national culture .

  10. 陈设设计弥补了家具专卖店装修的局限性,其装饰性强,易于变动和更换的特点,更有利于美式家具专卖店氛围的营造,对于美式家具品牌的形象提升有着重要作用。

    With its rich decoration and convenience to change , display design makes up for the limitations of furniture stores ' furnishings , helps create a good atmosphere there and also plays an important role in the promoting the brand image of American-style furniture .

  11. 在舞厅、KTV大胆的运用其他活跃气氛的颜色室内陈设的设计与选用。

    The design which in the ballroom , in the KTV bold utilization other active atmosphere color room arranges with selects .

  12. 基于传播学的室内陈设环境设计研究

    Study on the Design of Interior Furnishings Environments Based on Communication

  13. 根据美式家具自身的色彩特征研究其专卖店陈设色彩设计。

    Study the color design of its display according to the color characteristics of American-style furniture .

  14. 在室内陈设环境设计中,陈设设计师是最主要和最直接的传播者。

    In the design of furnishings environment , the furnishings designer is the most important and direct communicator .

  15. 随着陈设装饰设计越来越被重视,设计管理必将在设计活动的各环节中发挥着越来越大的作用。

    With the design is taken more and more seriously , Design management will be playing the most major role in each step of design .

  16. 室内陈设的设计作为室内整体环境设计的一个组成部分,在加强室内环境气氛、创造环境意境等方面有着举足轻重的作用。

    As a constituent of interior design , interior furnishing has the pivotal function in strengthening the interior environment atmosphere , creating aspect and so on .

  17. 对于陈设装饰设计而言,大多相关研究仅针对其销售环节进行论述,并没有深入到关于设计环节探讨。

    To Display or Decoration Design , most of the studies on the link , which were only discussed in sales , but not do deeply into the study about design .

  18. 陈设陶瓷的设计

    Design of Decorative Ceramics

  19. 陈设陶瓷的设计已经被赋予了一种超越实用或观赏用途以外的象征涵义。

    Furnishings ceramic design has been given a practical or ornamental purposes other than beyond a symbol of meaning .

  20. 通过将智能家居所涉及到的一些典型技术和常见产品进行介绍,又分别从室内风格、室内照明、室内色彩、室内陈设、室内设计等几个方面论述了智能家居对室内设计的影响。

    Chapter ⅱ mainly introduces some typical technologies and common products in the smart-home . In Chapter ⅲ we discuss the effect of smart-home to interior design from indoor style , indoor lighting , indoor color , furnishings , interior design , and several other aspects .

  21. 论现代室内陈设的人性化设计

    Review the humanization design of the modern interior display

  22. 文章的最后对传统家具陈设在现代室内设计中的应用性作了较深层的探讨,并提出了自己的见解。

    Finally , this thesis probes into the application of traditional furniture and its display to modem interior design , and puts forward proposals .

  23. 室内几乎没有陈设可言.室内空间陈设用品的艺术设计探索

    The room was barely furnished , ie had little furniture in it . Interior Design of Ornamental Displays

  24. 陈设陶瓷在我国现代家居中的应用正受到越来越多人的关注,因此陈设陶瓷设计的出发点也逐渐发生了变化。

    The application of ceramics in modern home furnishings is being more and more attention , so the starting point of ceramic design has gradually changed .