
  • 网络Danny Chan;Kwok Kuen Chan;Danny Chan Kwok Kwan
  1. 周二,剧中扮演李小龙的香港演员(陈国坤)在接受美联社采访时表示,与以往记录李小龙的电影不同

    The Hong Kong actor Danny Chan who plays Lee told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday , unlike past films about Lee

  2. 《李小龙传奇》中陈国坤向这位功夫偶像发起挑战,因长相酷似李小龙,陈国坤从小就被叫作“小龙”。

    The Legend of Bruce Lee " in Chan Kwok-kwan kungfu idol to the challenge , as a result looks exactly like Bruce Lee and Chan Kwok-kwan from an early age was called " dragons .