
  • 网络Lucio Tan
  1. 陈永栽(luciotan)总是行色匆匆。

    Lucio Tan is always in a hurry .

  2. 陈永栽为福川烟草和新合资公司的主席。

    Tan sits as chairman of both Fortune Tobacco and the new venture .

  3. 陈永栽否认了所有这些指控。

    Mr Tan has rejected those allegations .

  4. 这场纷争发生在一个对陈永栽颇为关键的时期:他正准备让儿子们最终接手他的事业。

    The quarrel comes at a critical period for Mr Tan , who is preparing for his sons to eventually succeed him .

  5. 陈永栽持有福川烟厂大部分股权,是菲律宾第二首富,旗下拥有一个庞大的商业网络。

    Mr Tan , majority owner of Fortune , is the second richest man in the Philippines and has a vast business network .

  6. 陈永栽1934年出生于中国南方的福建省,在4岁时随着谋求更好出路的父母来到菲律宾。

    Born in the southern Chinese province of Fujian in 1934 , Mr Tan was four years old when his parents came to the Philippines in search of better fortune .

  7. 陈永栽来到菲律宾之时,这个国家的经济基础正从农业转向工业和服务业,而且拥有土地的西班牙裔混血精英受到了马科斯打压。

    Mr Tan also came to the country at a time when its economic base was shifting from agriculture towards industry and services , and the traditional and landed Spanish mestizo elite were under pressure from Mr Marcos .