
Chén Jiāɡēnɡ
  • Singapore rubber and shipping entrepreneur;founder of Amoy University
  1. 陈嘉庚学校体育思想初探

    The Analysis on Chen Jia-geng 's School Physical Education Thought

  2. 1919年的今天,华侨中学(又译新加坡南洋华侨中学校)由陈嘉庚创建。

    1919-The Chinese High School is established in Singapore by Tan Kah Kee .

  3. 就是这位陈嘉庚先生。

    It was this gentleman , Mr.

  4. 陈嘉庚一生勤奋好学,热爱书法,晚年喜欢运动,重视养生,具有健康的生活情趣。

    All his life with healthy hobbies , Tan Kah-kee was a diligent learner and passionate lover of calligraphy and sports .

  5. 最喜欢的是鳌园,它分门廊、集美解放纪念碑和陈嘉庚先生陵墓三个部分。

    Ao park was my favourite , It composited of three parts : porch , Jimei Liberation Monument and the grave of Mr.

  6. 集美嘉庚公园位于厦门市集美学村的东南海滨,是为纪念爱国华侨陈嘉庚先生所建造的。

    The Jimei fine age park located at the Xiamen county fair esthetics village 's southeast seashore , is constructs for commemorative patriotic overseas Chinese Mr.

  7. 尽管中国不乏陈嘉庚先生这样杰出的教育慈善家,但与美国等西方发达国家相比,我国教育慈善事业整体发展显得乏善可陈。

    China is much insufficient in the development of educational philanthropy , even if at present China has economic and political strength to develop educational philanthropy .

  8. 本文着重从陈嘉庚所处时代华侨与祖国关系的角度,分析其兴学动机、目标、功绩及影响。

    From the perspective of the relationship between Chinese overseas then and their motherland , the paper analyzes Tan Ka-kee 's motive , goal , achievements and influence fro running schools .

  9. 被集美大学等学校奉为学校教育精神的“陈嘉庚精神”,其特质还有以下三点:仁慈忠勇的道义精神、躬行务实的事业精神、持久不衰的人生激情。

    The spirit of Tan Kah Kee , honored as the essence model by Jimei University , embodies the following characteristics : benevolence and loyalty , pragmatism , passion for life .

  10. 陈嘉庚“以人为本,诚信果毅,团结拼搏,友谊竞争,强国强民”的体育精神,值得学习弘扬。

    It is worth carrying forward Tan Kah-kee sportsmanship as " people-oriented , sincerity and perseverance , unity and hardworking , friendship and competition , strengthening the country and the people " .

  11. 教育救国:陈嘉庚倾资兴学的思想动机振动片倾角对超声波电机性能的影响

    Develop Education to Save China : Tan Kah-kee s Main Objective for Setting Up Schools ; The Influence of the Oblique Angles of Vibrating Reeds on the Characteristics of the Ultrasonic Motor

  12. 陈嘉庚、林文庆等华侨在异域与本土倾资兴学、办学数十年,逐步形成富有远见的教育观和颇具特色的办学理念。

    In modern times , Tan Kah Kee and Lim Boon Keng and other overseas Chinese funding schools for decades at abroad and home , and gradually form a far-sighted view of education and distinctive educational philosophy .