
lù ké
  • continental crust
陆壳[lù ké]
  1. 从中国陆壳所含C、H元素质量分数分析,中国陆壳的C、H元素质量分数高于全球平均含量的克拉克值。

    In view of analysis of C , H contents in Chinese continental crust , they are higher than Clarke value of global average content .

  2. 锆石Hf同位素研究进一步表明,斑岩体形成过程中有较多地幔组分的参与,并在上升过程中受到一定程度陆壳物质的混染,岩石成因类型为壳幔混合成因。

    Furthermore , zircon Hf isotope study indicates that the porphyry contains more mantle material and contaminated by continental crust during ascending and formed form a crust-mantle mixed origin .

  3. 因此,由C、H元素组成的烃类物质理应高于全球陆壳含烃量的平均值。

    This means the hydrocarbons composed of such C and H should be also higher than the average hydrocarbon content in global continental crust .

  4. 中国阿尔泰造山带花岗岩Pb同位素组成特征:幔源成因佐证及陆壳生长意义

    Pb Isotopic Composition of Granitoids from the Altay Orogen ( China ): Evidence for Mantle-derived Origin and Continental Growth

  5. 中朝克拉通老于38亿年的残余陆壳&离子探针质谱锆石微区U-Pb年代学证据

    The remnants of ≥ 3 800 Ma crust in Sino-Korean craton ─── the evidence from ion microprobe U-Pb dating of Zircons

  6. 更为重要的是区内出露有一定规模的花岗岩,研究表明这种花岗岩具有明显的陆壳改造型花岗岩的微量元素特征,且相对富Bi、Ag等成矿元素。

    The granite exposed in the area is rich of Bi and Ag , which has the trace element characteristics of continental crust-type granites .

  7. 根据中国陆壳和上陆壳的C、H元素质量分数均高于全球平均值推论,中国的陆壳和上陆壳也应富含烃类物质。

    In addition , higher C , H contents in Chinese sedimentary rocks than the average of global statistic values support the viewpoint that Chinese continental crust and upper continental crust should also be of hydrocarbon-enriched materials .

  8. 相反,w(SiO2)>54.4%的粗安岩、粗面岩和粗面英安岩可能来自陆壳或经历了壳内分异作用。

    On the contrary , the trachytes and trachyandesites , with SiO_2 > 54.4 % , were likely to be resulted from the crust or related to intracrustal differentiation .

  9. 这对TTG岩石的成因、I型花岗岩的形成以及陆壳成分的演化都有着重要的意义。

    This has significant implications for TTG petrogenesis , I-type granite origin and continental crust evolution .

  10. 基于实验岩石学成果,论述了无负Eu异常的中酸性火成岩类(正长岩、二长岩、石英闪长岩类)形成于加厚陆壳底部(或山根带)。

    Based on the data from experimental petrology , the acid-intermediate igneous rocks ( synitic , monzonitic , QY-dioritic ) without negative Eu-anomaly seem to have formed at the base of thickened crust or in the mountain root zone .

  11. 高钾岩石均出现明显的Nd、Ta负异常,表明高钾岩浆在形成过程中有陆壳物质加入到源区并与俯冲作用有关。

    The evidently negative anomalies in Nb and Ta make clear that there is an input of the continental material into the mantle source , and the petrogenesis of high-K rocks are related to subduction .

  12. 其中,玄武岩和玄武粗安岩的w(SiO2)低于54.4%(下陆壳平均值),表明它们应源于地幔,而非陆壳;

    SiO_2 contents in basalts and basaltic trachyandesites are lower than the average of lower continental crust ( 54.4 % ), suggesting that basalts and basaltic trachyandesites were originated from the mantle rather than the continental crust .

  13. 探讨南岭陆壳改造型花岗岩类岩体成岩方式及演化规律的一种方法&岩石化学NSF三角图解

    A Method for Studying the Diagenetic Way and Evolutional Rule of the Granitic Bodies and Its Application to Continental Crust Transformation Type in Nanling Region & N.S.F Triangular Diagram of Petrochemistry

  14. UHPM记录了显生宙俯冲-碰撞造山带早期碰撞过程中的低热流梯度及陆壳的深俯冲作用。

    HPM-UHPM registers the low thermal gradients and deep subduction of continental crust during the early stage of the collision process in Phanerozoic subduction-to-collision orogens .

  15. 当俯冲深度接近50km,俯冲陆壳岩石中大量低级变质含水矿物(如绿泥石、绿帘石、阳起石)会脱水并从俯冲陆壳逸出形成流体流。

    When the subduction depth is near 50km , the voluminous lower grade metamorphic hydrous minerals ( e.g. chlorite , epidote , actinolite ) undergo dehydration forming an aqueous fluid flux .

  16. 石英的δ18O值(+10.4‰~+15.5‰)与华南陆壳型花岗岩成因的钨、锡、稀有、稀土金属矿床一致。

    The δ 18O values ( + 10.4 to + 15.5 per mil ) coincide with those of W , Sn , rare metal and REE deposits in South China genetically associated with granites of continental crustal type .

  17. 由于明显的同位素分馏和不同地质体中截然不同的δ7Li值,锂同位素应用十分广泛,且在壳-幔演化、陆壳风化、卤水和污染水体示踪等研究领域取得显著成效。

    Larger isotope fractionation and different lithium isotopic values in geological reservoirs make Li find extensive applications in environmental geochemistry , such as upper continental crust weathering , brine and polluted water tracing , etc.

  18. 东西两部分的水平应力在方向上有明显的不同,洋壳上的东西向应力sx为负(压力为正),而陆壳上则相反。

    The horizontal stresses in eastern and western parts are obviously different that the east-westward stress on the oceanic crust xs is negative ( while the pressure is positive ) but on the continental crust is positive .

  19. 东昆仑式是元古代造山带TTG陆壳背景基础上古生代&早中生代对流地幔物质和热输入,改造元古宙造山带基底的方式;

    The East Kunlun mode is that the basement of the Proterozoic orogenic belt was reworked by the heat input and materials of the Paleozoic-early Mesozoic convective mantle formed on the background of TTG continental crust of the Proterozoic orogenic belt ;

  20. 它们的P-T-t轨迹表明:产于片麻岩中的榴辉岩至少经历了两阶段的抬升过程:(1)在221Ma(印支期)时,由于陆壳俯冲所产生的大规模逆冲构造使其快速抬升;

    The P-T-t trajectories suggest that the eclogites occurred in gneiss experienced at least two stages in the processes of eclogites uplift : ( 1 ) the rapid uplift stage at 221 Ma , which maybe related with the melange ;

  21. 新西兰南岛北端研究表明,俯冲大洋板块能携带宽度达150km左右的窄条陆壳克服浮力达到超高压变质深度,而大陆板块碰撞的主体则浮在岩石圈上形成走滑断层。

    Studies on the northern South Island of New Zealand indicate that subducting oceanic slab can overcome the buoyancy and drag adjacent continental sliver up to about 150 km width to UHM depths , while the main body of continent can only float upon the mantle to produce strike-slip faults .

  22. 冀东陆壳结构的岩石学模型

    Petrological model for structure of continental crust in East Hebei Province

  23. 准噶尔盆地早古生代陆壳存在的证据

    Evidence for the presence of Early Paleozoic continental crust in Junggar Basin

  24. 依其动力学背景,可分为三种类型:1.离散(拉张)型,与陆壳的破裂相关;

    There are three types according to their dynamic backgrounds .

  25. 泰山地区早前寒武纪主要地质事件与陆壳演化

    Main Geological Events and Crustal Evolution in Early Precambrian of Taishan Region

  26. 碰撞造山过程中热-构造状态演化与陆壳岩石熔融的关系

    Relationship between thermo-tectonic evolution and melting of continental rocks in collisional process

  27. 成因类型属陆壳改造型。

    The Daba mass is of continental crust-transformed origin .

  28. 另外两区玄武岩样品均受到了不同程度的陆壳物质混染。

    Two area basalts have also experienced assimilation & contamination of different degrees .

  29. 所以中国陆壳理应为富烃陆壳。

    Therefore , Chinese continental crust as a hydrocarbon-enriched one should be reasonable .

  30. 边界问题或构造关系问题,一直是地质学家最为关心的问题之一。华北地台与秦岭地槽构造关系的实质是洋壳与陆壳的矛盾统一和相互转化。

    The Problem of boundary or tectonic relation has been interesting to geologists .