
  • 网络amodiaquine
  1. 方法血浆样品经乙醚萃取后,用HPLC-MS测定血浆中阿莫地喹的浓度并计算药代动力学参数。

    Methods The amodiaquine concentration in plasma through aether extraction was determined by HPLC - MS , and its pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated .

  2. 结果:阿莫地喹和羟氯喹的保留时间分别为5.82min,8.56min。

    RESULTS : The retention times of amodiaquine and internal standard were 5.82 , 8.56 min , respectively .

  3. 疟原虫抑制率亦与氯喹板及阿莫地喹板相似,均随药物浓度的增高而依次上升。

    The schizont inhibited rates increased in keeping with the increase of drug concentration .

  4. 肌注给药吸收完全;盐酸阿莫地喹片在中国健康人中,口服吸收迅速,消除较慢,安全性好。

    The drug was absorbed rapidly , eliminated slowly , and safe in healthy Chinese .

  5. 结论:该法简单,灵敏适合于阿莫地喹的药动学研究。

    CONCLUSION : This HPLC method is simple , sensitive and suitable for pharmacokinetic study of amodiaquine .

  6. 技术说明:发运到尼日尔的药物系世卫组织建议的四种以青蒿素为基础的联合治疗药物之一:青蒿琥酯+阿莫地喹。

    Technical note : The medicine sent to Niger is artesunate + amodiaquine , one of four artemisinin-based combination therapies ( ACTs ) recommended by WHO .

  7. 为了减少耐药性出现的可能性,世界卫生组织推荐将青蒿琥酯与其它药物联合使用,特别是与阿莫地喹(参见世界卫生组织警告不要误用关键抗疟药物)。

    To limit the chance of resistance emerging , the WHO recommends combining artesunate with other drugs , mainly amodiaquine ( see WHO warns against misuse of key malaria drug ) .