
  • 网络Aloha
  1. 在狭长的度假胜地威基基海滩举行的晚宴上,马卡拉骄傲地拉开他的夹克,露出一件写有“用阿罗哈(Aloha)占领”字样的T恤衫。

    During the meal on the resort strip Waikiki Beach , he proudly pulled open his jacket to reveal a T-shirt which read'Occupy with Aloha ' - using the Hawaiian word which include love and peace .

  2. 该结构是由弗兰克-米尔沃德氏设计的,他是阿罗哈木材公司的伐木监督。

    This structure was designed by Frank Milward , Aloha Company logging superintendent .

  3. 夏威夷人把夏威夷称为阿罗哈州。

    They call Hawaii the Aloha State .

  4. 他们称,这份法案发扬了夏威夷的阿罗哈精神,将促进旅游业的发展。

    They argue that the the bill extends state 's aloha spirit of a quality and that will spur tourism .

  5. “阿罗哈”是表示友好的问候语,在夏威夷本土语中是“你好”和“再见”的意思。

    That is the friendly greeting that means both " hello " and " goodbye " in the native Hawaiian language .