
  • 网络attila;Attila Andics
  1. 他认为他是匈奴王阿提拉的化身。

    He thinks he 's the reincarnation of Attila the hun .

  2. 看见阿提拉,代我问候他。

    If you see attila , remember me to him .

  3. 我的幻象告诉我,阿提拉身在危险之中。

    And my visions tell me Attila is in danger .

  4. 好几年时间里,阿提拉故意欺侮狄奥多西。

    For some years Attila bullied Theodosius as he chose .

  5. 在你左边的是匈奴大帝阿提拉。

    On the left there is your Attila the Hun .

  6. 阿提拉,除了我们,已无地方可征服了。

    There will be nothing left for Attila to conquer but us .

  7. 但是你知道阿提拉没去北伐。

    But you know that Attila isn 't just attacking the huns .

  8. 阿提拉被认为是惟一能对罗马帝国造成威胁的人。

    Attila was considered the only genuine threat to the Roman empire .

  9. 你要好好打,否则就归阿提拉了。

    Fight well , or it belongs to attila .

  10. 把嘎兰的力量传给阿提拉,把阿提拉的痛苦传给嘎兰。

    Give galen 's strength to Attila and attila 's pain to galen .

  11. 阿提拉指挥多国军队,但是他最好的军队仍然是匈奴人。

    Attila commands many nations , but his best troops are still huns .

  12. 匈奴王阿提拉以一只苍鹰形像装饰他战斗的头盔。

    Attila the Hun decorated his battle helmet with the figure of one .

  13. 你最好跑跑,远离阿提拉王王。

    You 'd better run-run from Attila the hun-hun .

  14. 不认识,但是,我知道禄亚王,阿提拉怎么啦。

    No , but I know king rua , and that 's what matters .

  15. 让阿提拉归入我的部下吧?

    Why not put Attila under my command ?

  16. 同时阿提拉也是一个很迷信的人。

    Attila was famous for his superstitious beliefs .

  17. 上次阿提拉威胁到我们时,我曾前去找过他一次。

    Once before , when Attila threatened , I took a journey to meet him .

  18. 我们已经受够了阿提拉的锤打。

    Attila has hammered us long enough .

  19. 匈奴的王阿提拉,全身披着金色铠甲,伟大的征服者!

    Attila , king of Hun , Apparel , armour of gold , He , great conqueror !

  20. 舍瓦在欧洲德比中的进球,或许是自阿提拉以后最为重要的德比进球。

    Euro Derby : Sheva scoring probably the most important Derby goal after the one scored by Attila .

  21. 实际上,阿提拉在434年才称王,而这段文字似乎所指的沙隆战役更是发生在那之后第17年。

    In fact , Attila did not become king until 434 , and the battle of the catalaunian fields , to which this seems to refer , took place 17 years later .

  22. 踏上村中草地,看到一张石椅,听说是匈奴王阿提拉的宝座,就要照相。

    They come out on to the village green and photograph each other in a stone armchair , said to be the throne of Artila . ( Nancy Mitford : The Water Beetle )