
  • 网络waterproof;waterproof level;IP Rating;Waterproof Rating
  1. 散粒型防水材料抗水能力的定量分析屋面防水等级与防水材料等级划分

    Quantitative analysis of repellent ability of bulk waterproof materials Classification of Roof Waterproofing Gradation and Waterproof Materials Gradation

  2. 这款安卓手机的防水等级为IPx7,更能浮在水面,这意味着手机用户再也不用从海底或是将手伸进马桶的便盆里捞手机了。

    Not only is the Android handset IPx7 water-resistant , it has been designed to float meaning owners don 't have to fish it out from the bottom of the sea , or stick their hand into a toilet basin .

  3. 岭澳核电站核岛厂房屋面防水等级为Ⅰ级。

    Roof waterproofing standard of nuclear island plant of Ling'ao Nuclear Power Station was designed as grade ⅰ .

  4. 根据桥梁的类型、性质、重要程度、结构特点和使用功能要求等将桥梁防水等级分为三级,设计时按不同等级设防。

    According to the types , quality needs , structure performance and function of bridges , the waterproofing systems for concrete decks are divided to three grads .

  5. 河南艺术中心大剧院地下结构复杂,防水等级为I级,是整个艺术中心防水的重点。

    The underground construction of Grand Theatre of Henan Art Center is complicated and has grade I waterproofing , which is the keystone of waterproofing for the whole center .

  6. 从防水设防等级、防水层设置、材料选择、施工技术等几方面,介绍了昆山体育场看台的防水技术。

    The article introduces waterproofing technology used in Kunshan Stadium , including waterproofing grade , arrangement of waterproof layers , material selection and application .

  7. 本文的研究旨主要是稳定基层、基层表面封水防水、解决高等级公路沥青面层与面层、面层与基层的粘结等问题,对今后层间功能层的应用施工提供参考。

    This article aims to study the stability of the mainly grass-roots , grass-roots water surface water to address the high-grade asphalt road surface and surface , grass-roots level with the surface of the bond issues , the future level of function between the application layer to provide reference works .

  8. 国家体育馆将承担2008奥运会比赛项目,对工程的防水要求很高,地下工程防水设计等级Ⅰ级。

    Olympic Games will be held in 2008 in National Gymnasium , waterproofing quality of which is highly required and Grade I waterproofing specified for underground works .

  9. 屋面防水应从排水坡度、排水孔流量、防水等级、材料的选择以及采用新型防水材料和先进的施工方法等多方面考虑。

    During waterproofing roof construction , we should think about the following respects : drainage slope , flow of a drain hole , waterproof grade , materials selection , adoption of new waterproof material and advanced construction methods etc.