
jiān dài
  • interzona
间带[jiān dài]
  1. 特地为他预留了一间带阳台的海景双人房。

    A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him

  2. 裸露潮间带表观CO2通量的变化规律

    The Variety of the Apparent CO_2 Flux in the Bare Intertidal Zone

  3. 渤海湾潮间带主要重金属污染元素是Pb、Zn、Cd3种。

    Pb , Zn and Cd are the dominating contaminative elements in tidal sediments of Bohai Bay .

  4. GPS及AVHRR资料在浅海潮间带测量中的应用

    Application of the GPS and AVHRR Data to the Determination of Tidal Zone in Shallow Water

  5. 潮上带和潮间带上部,波浪能量大,主要产生机械作用形态,如贝壳断口,碟形坑、V形坑等。

    In the high-energy supratidal zone and the upper of the intertidal zone , the conchoidal breakage , dish pits and V-shaped pits are the major textures .

  6. 研究认为,SC1旋回滨岸砂岩及SC2下降半旋回的潮间带薄层砂岩为有利储集砂体,是地层-岩性型油气藏的重点勘探目标。

    The study shows that SC_1 sandstone and SC_2 flagstone are favorable reservoir sand bodies and could be as key targets for exploration of stratigraphic and lithologic oil-gas pools .

  7. ABC方法所得出的结论基本与多样性指数相一致,即青岛湾潮间带沉积环境呈现出由高潮带向低潮带逐渐转好的趋势。

    The conclusion drawn by ABC curve is consistent with the result from diversity index . The environment of Qingdao Bay intertidal zone gradually improved from high intertidal zone to low .

  8. 对海洋功能区划与环境敏感区进行分析和预测结果表明,拟用海域在潮间带养殖池塘,其高度平均为2m左右。

    Results of analysis and predicts on ocean functionality area and environment sensitive area show that : make use of tide to build up the breed aquatics pond whose average height is around 2 meters .

  9. 采用样方调查法对芝罘岛、养马岛和龙须岛岩岸潮间带的无脊椎动物群落进行了系统的生态学研究,样方面积为40cm×40cm。

    Quadrat method is used to investigate the invertebrate communities of rocky intertidal zone . Quadrat size is set at 40 cm × 40 cm .

  10. 总之,研究泥螺对PAHs的生物可利用性,可以为河口及潮间带的环境监测、生态风险评价及生物修复提供科学依据。

    In summary , this paper had a preliminary study on the bioavailability of PAHs contaminants to Bullacta exarata , which provided scientific basis for the environmental monitoring , ecological risk assessment and bioremediation of estuary and intertidal zone .

  11. 本文对南极菲尔德斯半岛夏季潮间带水温、盐度、营养盐(活性硅酸盐SiO3-Si、活性磷酸盐PO4-P、硝酸盐NO3-N)等环境因子的时空变化进行了分析讨论。

    The environmental factors such as water temperature , salinity , nutrient salts ( in the forms of PO 4 P , NO 3 N and SiO 3 Si ) in the intertidal zone in summer in the Fildes Peninsula , Antarctica are analyzed .

  12. sp1,几乎全是该潮间带底栖甲藻的优势种,占水样中甲藻种数的11.6%。个体数占海水样品中甲藻总个体密度的0~51.3%,具有明显的季节性。

    Sp 1 , were presented in the seawater samples , accounting for 11.6 % of total dinoflagellate species number and 0 - 51.3 % of dinoflagellate cell density found in the water column during the sampling period .

  13. 用BrayCurtis群落相似性系数聚类分析,浙南岛屿潮间带石鳖群落可聚为两大类型。

    Bray-Curtis community similarity index is used to deal with the community similarity and cluster analysis . The result shows that Chitons community in rocky intertidal zone of the islands in south Zhejiang can be clustered into two types .

  14. 本文通过对浙江沿岸潮间带和水深小于20m浅海区的102个表层沉积样品的有孔虫分析,发现研究区内有孔虫的数量和组合存在明显差异。

    In this paper , 102 surface sediment samples on foraminifera are analysed along the coast of Zhejiang in ranging from intertidal flats to 20m isobath . The results show that the distributions of individuals and assemblages of foraminifera are very different in the study area .

  15. 潮间带红树林消失,生态环境遭到破坏;

    Intertidal zone mangrove disappearing , and ecosystem environment being destroyed ;

  16. 厦门潮间带泥滩和虾池小型底栖动物类群的丰度

    Abundance of meiofauna on intertidal mudflat and shrimp ponds in Xiamen

  17. 海坛岛潮间带底栖生态的初步调查

    Preliminary investigation on benthic ecology in intertidal zone of Haitan Island

  18. 泉州湾及邻近海湾潮间带底质若干项数据的计算机分析

    Computer analysis of some bottom data around Quanzhou Bay , Fujian

  19. 我想要一间带连浴室的旅馆房间。

    I want a hotel room with an en suite bathroom .

  20. 广东硇洲岛潮间带蟹类的初步调查

    Preliminary investigation of inter-tidal crabs of Naozhou island , guangdong Province

  21. 大连潮间带后鳃类软体动物记录

    Record on Opisthobranchia from the inter & tidal zone of Dalian

  22. 威海市区沿岸潮间带海藻季节变化的观察研究

    The seasonal change of marine algae in weihai , shandong Province

  23. 厦门西港西南部潮间带光滩土壤微生物的数量变化

    Microbial amounts variation in mudflat soil at southwest in west Xiamen Harbour

  24. 大亚湾潮间带软体动物的物种多样性初步研究

    Species diversity of mollusc in intertidal zone , Daya Bay

  25. 舟山海岛潮间带环境质量状况分析评价

    Analysis on Environment Quality in Tidal Zone of Zhoushan Islands

  26. 长山列岛南部三岛岩相潮间带群落多样性格局

    Diversity patterns in intertidal communities of three southern islands of Changshan archipelago

  27. 潮间带土壤盐度与电导率的关系

    Relation between soil salinity in intertidal zone and electric conductivity

  28. 潮间带网围对虾养殖试验

    A trial prawn culture in netted pond in Intertide zone

  29. 天津沿海潮间带沉积物中稀土元素的地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in Intertidalite of Tianjin

  30. 长江口北支水域潮间带大型底栖动物研究

    Study on intertidal macrobenthos in North Branch of Changjiang Estuary