
  • 网络ddd;IDD;Direct Distance Dialing
  1. 如果是文字传真,价格和长途直拨电话一样计费。

    If it is a document , the price is as much as an IDD call .

  2. 饭店的电话系统有国际长途直拨功能。我可以用公用电话打国际长途吗?

    Our hotel telephone system has IDD service . Can I make an overseas call through public phone ?

  3. 1958年用户长途直拨(STD)系统由英国由女王伊丽莎白二世举行开机典礼,她在一个从布里斯托尔到爱丁堡的长途拨叫中与对方城市的市长通话。

    1958-Subscriber Trunk Dialling ( STD ) is inaugurated in the UK by Queen Elizabeth II when she speaks to the Lord Provost in a call from Bristol to Edinburgh .

  4. 请拨“8”接通国际长途直拨线,然后拨国家号

    Please dial " 8 " for the IDD line and then dial the country code

  5. 每间客房设施完善,包括宽带上网、国际长途直拨电话、卫星电视以及全天候客房服务等。

    Each room features a full array of amenities which consist of broadband Internet connectivity , IDD , satellite TV , and round-the-clock room service amongst others .

  6. 邮电通信已形成城乡一体化,长途业务可直拨世界各地,移动电话、数据通讯已全面开通;

    Post and telecommunications has become urban-rural integration , long-distance service to dial directly to the world , mobile phones , data communication has been fully opened ;

  7. 所有本地和长途电话都可直拨,不须要通过电话接线员。

    Both local and long distance can be dialed directly without placing the call through an operator .