
  1. 这一天在朝阳公园还举行了长走比赛活动。

    Also among the day 's activities was a march at Chaoyang Park .

  2. 你可以徒步长走,放松自己;

    Or take a long relaxing walk ;

  3. 组织一场“长走”运动或其它活动,提高公众对出血性疾病的认识。

    Organize a walk-a-thon or another event to raise awareness of bleeding disorders in your community .

  4. 长走参与者在体育锻炼中融入大自然,享受人与自然和谐之美,愉悦身心。

    The participants will walk into the greens to enjoy the harmony between human and nature .

  5. 哈里?霍普金斯在白宫里的卧室,是在一条黑暗阴沉的长走廓的尽头。

    Harry Hopkins ' bedroom in the White House was at one end of a long dark gloomy hall .

  6. 然后监狱长走了,唐太斯的耳朵里传进了几句怜悯的话,还夹杂着残酷的哄笑。

    The governor then went out , and words of pity fell on Dants'listening EARS , mingled with brutal laughter .

  7. 以自发的业余时间锻炼为主,主要在免费的场所、空地等进行跑步、长走等项目的锻炼;

    They do physical exercises in the empty space and street in spare time , the main exercise events are running , long walking , etc.

  8. 他的腿惊人地长,走起路来迈着巨大的步伐。

    He 's got amazingly long legs and walks with giant steps .

  9. 对长距离走、跑比赛中裁判记圈失误问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Judge Lapping in the Competitions of Long-distance Walking and Running

  10. 这一段长路走起来挺有味,达西先生还没有见过那儿的风景呢。

    It is a nice long walk , and Mr. Darcy has never seen the view .

  11. 他的腿长,走得又快,所以他的步伐矫健有力。

    His legs are so long and he moves so quickly that he has a bouncing walk .

  12. 到长途汽车站再向右转。她站起来朝长衣橱走去。

    Fork right at the long distance bus station . She got up and went to the long wardrobe .

  13. 认为中国经济发展赶上了世界的步伐,但政治、意识形态和价值观上中国仍是“异类”,两只脚不是一般长,走得不是一样快。

    They believe that despite China 's economic strength , it has not kept pace in the areas of politics , ideology and values .

  14. 所以玛莎藏了起来,鲍勃身穿他的薄大衣戴着白色的长围巾走了进来,怀里抱着小蒂姆。

    So Martha hid herself , and in came Bob in his thin coat and long white scarf , with his son Tiny Tim in his arms .

  15. 他们步行了很长时间,走了好长的一段路。

    They walked for a long time and covered a good deal of ground .

  16. 机场的队就会排得越长于是我走到4A柜台排了很长的队但我

    The longer the line at the airport and so I walked into the 4A , I see the counters there , long line , but I.

  17. 当然,囿于音频传播的缺憾,UC软件的不足,网络学习的高要求,要达到完美的传播效果,网络课堂还需要很长的路走。

    Nevertheless , due to the drawback of the audio transmission , the shortage of the UC software and the high-demanding network learning , there is still a long way to go before achieving a relatively perfect communication effect in online classes .

  18. 这是条又长又难走的路。

    It 's a long hard road .

  19. 这么长的路走得我们疲惫不堪。

    The long walk completely wearied us .

  20. 当然,从概念艺术到最终的游戏模型还有很长的路走。

    Of course , there is a long way to go from concept to a final game model .

  21. 他说他在伦敦可能沿所有长的街道走然后告诉您他通过每家商店的名字。

    He said that he could walk along any long street in London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed .

  22. “我只有14岁,”她说,“我的人生还有很长的路要走!”

    " I 'm only 14 , " she says , " I have my whole life ahead of me ! "

  23. "然而,还有很长的路要走,"约翰麦基汉补充说。

    " However , there   is   still a   long way to go , " John   McGeehan   added .

  24. 有一段很长的路要走。

    There is one section of very long road to leave .

  25. 我们最好赶快动身,还有好长的路要走呢。

    We 'd better haul ass , it 's a long way to go .

  26. 技术的进步可能看起来不可阻挡,但所有数字化的东西在取代传统的睡前书-纸质书之前可能还有很长的路要走。

    The march of technology may seem unstoppable , but all digital things may have a way to go before they replace the traditional bedtime book — the paper one .

  27. 虽然这种想法过分乐观,但是确实说明了Web开发还有很长的路要走。

    While this is overly optimistic , it does affirm that Web development has come a long way .

  28. 国内在Web性能测试方面的研究和开发才刚刚起步,没有比较完善的测试模型和良好的测试工具,还有很长的路要走。

    But research and development of web performance testing is inchoate interiorly , there is no ideal model and tool for testing .

  29. 尽管Sun在过去的一年用一个新的产品名整合了他们的虚拟化技术,并完成了一些大胆的改进,但是仍然有很长的路要走。

    While Sun has a new name and has made some bold changes , they still have a long way to go .

  30. 梦想是美好的,但ActiveX还有很长的路要走。

    The dream is heady , but ActiveX has a long way to go .