
  • Daddy-long-legs
  1. 二月初的时候,洁茹写了一封信给长腿叔叔。

    At the beginning of february , Jerusha wrote a letter to daddy-long-legs .

  2. 第四节分析《长腿叔叔》的叙事交流模式。

    The fourth section continues to discuss the mode of narrative communication covering Daddy-Long-Legs .

  3. 那个长腿叔叔可真让我妒忌。

    That Daddy Long Legs guy makes me so jealous .

  4. 丹麦新艺术的代表作,长腿叔叔!

    The representive work of Danish modern art , long legs uncle .

  5. 不是你所知道的那个长腿叔叔。

    Not the daddy long legs that you know .

  6. 它俩都是盲(长腿叔叔)蛛。

    Both of them are daddy long legs .

  7. 一路上,铁轨都在唱着“你就要见到长腿叔叔了。”

    All the way in the train the rails kept singing ," You 're going to see Daddy-Long-Legs . "

  8. 第三节分析《长腿叔叔》的叙事形式,即采用书信体和日记体结合的方式,完全契合了女性作家细腻敏感、私语化的交流方式。

    The third section is about the narrative form , that is , the combination of epistolary form and diaries .

  9. 资料分析发现:肾偶发癌具有肿瘤体积小、病理分期低、生长局限、术后远期生存率高的特点。[长腿叔叔]幼儿箱庭制作时间都比较长;

    By studying these cases , we found that renal incidental carcinoma had some characteristics including small tumor size , early pathological stage , localized growth and high long-time survival rate .

  10. 从纽约回来以后,洁茹写了一封很长的信,带著兴奋的口气,向长腿叔叔叙述在纽约的种种见闻,包括她们一起去买帽子的情形。

    After returning from new york , Jerusha wrote Daddy-Long-Legs a very long letter excitedly telling him of all of the different things she had seen and heard there , including when the three girls when shopping for hats .

  11. 霍莉说,“在中学的时候,我被大家唤作长腿叔叔、大树和长颈鹿——但我搬到纽约后约会变得顺利很多。我也真的碰到很多迷恋大长腿的人来到我面前。”

    Holly said : ' Back in middle school I was called daddy long legs , tree or giraffe - but the dating scene has gotten better since I moved to New York . I definitely have seen guys come up to me who have a fetish for long legs . "