
  • 网络the long tail;long tail theory
  1. 长尾理论下的中小企业网络化生存机理与策略

    SME 'S Networking Survival Mechanism and Strategy Under the Long Tail Theory

  2. 数字音乐的媒介经济学分析&基于长尾理论的视角

    Economic Analysis on Digital Music & Based on the Long Tail Theory

  3. 长尾理论在IPTV商业模式创新上的应用

    The Long-tail Theory Applied in IPTV Business Model Innovation

  4. 但自从9年前克里斯•安德森(ChrisAnderson)用一部《长尾理论》(TheLongTail)让所有的营销人员兴奋起来以后,个性化的前景就有些黯然失色。

    But the promise of personalisation has faded a bit since Chris Anderson got marketers all excited nine years ago with The Long Tail .

  5. 通过深入调查国内外SaaS应用软件发展现状,结合长尾理论对SaaS这一新模式在中小企业信息化中的应用进行了分析和展望。

    Through in-depth investigation for domestic and abroad development of SaaS applications , in consideration of long-tail theory , we analyze and outlook the application of SaaS model for the information technology of SMEs .

  6. 阿妮塔•埃尔贝斯(AnitaElberse)最近的著作《大片效应》(Blockbusters)对长尾理论提出了异议,认为企业依然能依靠人人都想购买的少数商品赚得盆满钵满。

    Anita Elberse underlined in her recent book Blockbusters - which takes issue with the " long tail " thesis - that companies still mine a great deal of money from a few products that everybody wants to buy .

  7. 长尾理论在图书馆参考咨询工作中的应用

    The Application of Long Tail Theory in the Library Reference Service

  8. 博客广告:其实我很值得你爱&从长尾理论和二八法则的比较来分析博客的广告价值

    Blog AD : I am well Worth of Your Love in Fact

  9. 第二,什么样的企业适用长尾理论?

    Second , what kind of enterprise 's applicable long end theory ?

  10. 是不是所有的企业都适用长尾理论?

    Is it all applicable long end theories of enterprise ?

  11. 那么到底如何来理解长尾理论?

    Then how on earth to come to understand the long end theory ?

  12. 长尾理论与华为的整体解决集合器

    Long-tail Theory and Huawei 's Overall Resolution Collector

  13. 高校人才培养的长尾理论:从规模到质量

    The Long Tail Theory of Talents Cultivation in Universities : from Scale to Quality

  14. 基于长尾理论的高校数字图书馆建设研究

    Study on the Construction of University Digital Library Based on the Long Tail Theory

  15. 主持人:你怎么会想起长尾理论的?

    THE HOST : What was it that put you onto the long tail ?

  16. 点燃思维之火:开放教育,长尾理论和学习2.0

    Minds on Fire : Open Education , the Long Tail , and Learning 2.0

  17. 基于长尾理论的网络非正式学习模式研究

    The Research of Informal Learning Mode in the Network Based on Long Tail Theory

  18. 暂时忘掉长尾理论和维基经济学,来做点过了时的事情。

    Forget about long tails and wikinomics for a while and do something old-fashioned .

  19. 文章简单介绍了长尾理论的概念以及长尾效应下成功的案例。

    This paper briefly introduces the concept and successful cases of Long Tail Theory .

  20. 基于长尾理论思维的罕见病信息传播模式研究

    Research of Rare Disease Information Dissemination Model Based on the Long Tail Theoretical Thinking

  21. 二八定律与长尾理论在现代图书馆的共生应用

    On Symbiotic Applications of 20-80 rule and the Long Tail Theory in the Modern Library

  22. 长尾理论下中小企业发展策略的构建

    Reconstruction of the Development Strategy of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise under Long Tail Theory

  23. 但当我做了更多的研究之后,我发现长尾理论现象无处不在。

    But as I have done more work on it I have found long tails everywhere .

  24. 论文共分八章,第一章首先阐述了论文的背景、意义及主要创新点,介绍了长尾理论,以及与长尾理论针锋相对的80/20法则。

    The first chapter presents a long tail theory , and the 80 / 20 rule .

  25. 第四,应用长尾理论要重点开发好“三个环节”。

    Fourth , employ the long end theory to develop " three links " well especially .

  26. 图书数字出版的优化是基于长尾理论中利益的追逐。

    The book digital publishing optimization is based on the chasing interest in the Long Tail Theory .

  27. 基于长尾理论提高高校图书馆馆藏书刊利用率研究

    Research on Increasing the Utilization Ratio of Stored Books of University Library Based on the Long Tail Theory

  28. 长尾理论解释了这种文化的变迁及其经济后果和市场机会。

    And it is the long-tail theory that explicates this cultural change and its economic results and marketing opportunity .

  29. 这些不利因素阻碍着网络营销的发展,制约着长尾理论的应用。

    These negative factors are impeding the development of network marketing , restricting the application of the Long Tail theory .

  30. 长尾理论是一种指导服装企业自身定位以及营销策略的思维方式。

    The Long Tail is a way of thinking that conduct the self position and marketing strategy of garment enterprises .