
  • 网络glass floor
  1. 低于这个屈米的玻璃地板提供有关文件和模型,对城市的夜光灯,必须有颂歌似乎。

    Below this Tschumi has furnished a glass floor that must have seemed , on paper and in model , an ode to the city 's luminous light .

  2. 英国利物浦新开张的新利物浦购物中心的第一个全天营业日里,购物者们从停车场楼梯间顶上的玻璃地板纷沓而过。

    Liverpool , UK : Shoppers walk across the glass floor of a car park stairwell at the new Liverpool One shopping centre on its first full day of trading .

  3. 许多私人度假别墅采用玻璃地板的构造,并直接修建在水上。

    Many private villas with glass bottom floors perched directly over the water .

  4. 其中一座展望台还设置了几块玻璃地板,可以让那些不恐高的游客直接俯瞰脚下的世界。

    One deck boasts sections of glass floors that allows those not too troubled by heights to stare straight down at the ground far below .

  5. 这个餐厅原是个废弃不用的食堂,诺维科夫在此基础上将其改装成了一个外观酷似木制大帆船的餐厅,还在令人晕眩的玻璃地板下面加了一个小小的“水族馆”。

    Called Sirena , it made use of the kitchen of a defunct canteen-adding a dining room in the style of a wooden galleon , plus a vertiginous glass floor with an aquarium below .

  6. 有恐高症的朋友们对这家独特的餐馆可能会避而远之,因为它就悬在几百英尺的峡谷之上,而且该餐馆采用玻璃地板,使得整个体验更加惊心动魄。

    Those with a fear of heights might want to give this exclusive eatery a miss , because it juts right out hundreds of feet above a canyon - and there 's a glass floor to make the experience even more stomach churning .

  7. 我听见一片玻璃掉到地板上摔碎的声音。

    I heard a pane of glass crash onto the floor .

  8. 你可能得用玻璃砂纸打磨一下地板。

    You may need to give the floor a rub-down with glasspaper .

  9. 不幸的是,我还没抓牢,她就松手了,玻璃瓶在瓷砖地板上摔碎了。

    Unfortunately she let go before I had a firm grip , and the glass shattered on the tile floor .