
  1. 下肢有关解剖学标志的测量与长围指数分型

    Measurement of Human Lower Limb According to Anatomic Landmark and Length-Girth Index Classify

  2. 他们在二氧化钛奈米管中添加碳,将可吸收的光波长围转换成可见光波段。

    They have added carbon to titanium dioxide nanotubes to shift the wavelengths of light the tubes absorb to the visible portion of the spectrum .

  3. 结果计算13项测量值的均数、标准差、大腿长围指数、小腿长围指数,并根据指数进行分型。

    Results The mean , standard deviation , thigh length-girth index and lower leg length-girth index were calculated according to the datum of the 255 undergraduates in both sexes .

  4. 相关的课外活动也在开展,比如在米尔谷的这次活动。活动中,从幼儿园到五年级的90个学生和70名家长围在计算机旁,通过动画智力游戏来学习计算机逻辑的基本知识。

    There are after-school events , too , like the one in Mill Valley , where 70 parents and 90 children , from kindergartners to fifth graders , huddled over computers solving animated puzzles to learn the basics of computer logic .

  5. 在MATLAB软件平台上给出了生成Koch雪花曲线的递归算法和图形,并证明了一条无处可微的无限长的曲线围成了一个有限的面积。

    On the platform of MATLAB software , this paper gives recursion algorithm generating koch snow curve and the graph , and proves that an infinitely long curve differentiable nowhere encloses a limited area .

  6. 结论足长、足围与身高之间存在正相关性,中日学生回归方程间有差异。

    The difference of the regression equation between Chinese and Japanese students .

  7. 中日学生足长、足围与身高关系的比较研究

    A comparison on the relation between foot length and girth and stature of students in China and Japan

  8. 微卫星标记杂合度与各个时期的体重、体高、体长和管围间呈正相关,其中杂合度与各个时期的体长呈显著正相关,而与各个时期的胸围呈负相关。

    There was a significantly positive correlation between the microsatellite marker heterozygosity and body size in every phases , and negative to heart girth .

  9. 结果:(1)头长与头水平围、额最小宽、两眼外角宽、形态面高与容貌面高相关;

    Results : ( 1 ) Head length and maximum circumference of the head , minimum frontal width and extracanthic diameter , morphological facial height and physiognomic facial width were correlative .

  10. 结论术前使用广谱抗生素、术前留置尿管、全身麻醉、手术时间长和住院时间长为围手术期医院感染的主要危险因素。

    CONCLUSIONS Preoperative antibiotics used , preoperative urethral catheter used , trachea-cathetered general anesthesia , operative duration and nosocomial duration were the main risk factors of perioperative nosocomial infections .

  11. 目的以30例屈拇长肌腱Ⅱ区断裂一期治愈的忠者为例,阐述屈拇长肌腱损伤的围手术期康复治疗。

    Objective To discuss perioperative rehabilitative care for flexor tendon injuries by examples of successful treatment of 30 cases of rupture of flexor tendon pollicis longus at Zone ⅱ .