
  • 网络the kamakura shogunate;Kamakura Bakufu
  1. 宋本真正大规模进入日本乃晚至宋末元初的镰仓幕府时期,与著名的金泽文库之创建有着密切的关联。

    The large-scale entry occurred during the late Song and the early Yuan period & the Kamakura Shogunate , which was closely related to the establishment of Kanazawa library 's foundation .

  2. 虽然德川是一个古老的家族,声称创自源赖朝-镰仓幕府的第一代将军的后裔,他们都铭记在心,因为这些光辉的历史来自最艰难的时期。

    Although the Tokugawa are an ancient family , claiming descent from Minamoto no Yoritomo , the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate , they have known hard times since those glorious days .

  3. 如果你对历史更感兴趣,你还可以去镰仓——古幕府时代的首都之一,从东京搭火车到那儿大约只需要一个钟头。

    If you are more interested in history , you can go to Kamakura , one of the old shogunate capitals , which is only an hour away from Tokyo by train .