
ruì mǐn
  • keen;sensitive;acute
锐敏 [ruì mǐn]
  • [acute] 精明敏捷;感觉灵敏;眼光尖锐

  • 锐敏的观察者

锐敏[ruì mǐn]
  1. 达尔文是一位锐敏的观察家、准确的记录员、孜孜不倦的收藏者。

    Darwin was a keen observer , an accurate reporter , and an indefatigable collector .

  2. 我觉得应请一位心地公正、头脑锐敏、清晰而且毫无先入之见的人来进行鉴别和判断。

    I felt a judicial mind , a keen , clear , unhampered brain , should sift and weigh .

  3. 触觉超锐敏度的实验研究:Ⅱ曲线知觉

    An Experimental Study of Tactile Hyperacuity : ⅱ Curvature Perception

  4. 它们有锐敏的听觉、嗅觉和视觉。

    They have good senses of hearing , smell , and sight .

  5. 没有人有了了一个被损害的听觉锐敏的病史。

    None had a history of impaired auditory acuity .

  6. 猫的听觉锐敏。

    The cat hears very well .

  7. 猫的眼睛很锐敏,能发觉人们不会注意到的微小虫子的动作。

    A cat has very sharp eyesight and can spot the movement of a tiny bug that man won 't even notice .

  8. 一位神经稍微锐敏一点的贝壳类专家,到了另一些陈列软体类动物标本的玻璃柜面前,一定要高兴得发昏了。

    An excitable conchologist would surely have fainted dead away before other , more numerous glass cases in which were classified specimens from the mollusk branch .

  9. 《最后的恋歌》呈现给我们的狄恩既是一个身体虚弱、充满焦虑的局外人又是一个精明锐敏的好莱坞和纽约的圈内人;

    The Didion who emerges from " The Last Love Song " is both a frail , angst-ridden outsider and a shrewd Hollywood and New York insider ;

  10. 探讨了接近母乳的婴儿配方、预防婴幼儿肥胖、增强免疫力、减少过敏、提高认知力与视锐敏度等专利和技术。

    Reviewed patent and technology about breast milk simulated infant formula , prevention childhood obesity , enhancing immunity , reducing allergen , enhancing cognitive ability and visual acuity .

  11. 在该体系中,以硫脲作吸附剂,并在直流极谱仪上于+0.55V(vs.SCE)发现一锐敏的锇峰。

    In this new system thiocarbamide was used as an absorbent and a sharp peak current of Os was found at + 0.55V ( vs. SCE ) by using D. C.

  12. 几十年来,女性一直被告知雌激素结合孕激素服用,不仅能缓解更年期阵发性发热感、失眠症,而且能帮助保持骨骼强度、心智锐敏,而最重要的是&有益心脏健康。

    Women had been told for decades that estrogen taken with progestin would not only ease hot flashes and insomnia but help preserve bone strength , mental acuity and , most important , heart health .

  13. 至于哈里顿,那份模样就更进一步相似:这在任何时候都是显著的,这时更特别显著;因为他的感觉正锐敏,他的智力正在觉醒到非常活跃的地步。

    With Hareton the resemblance is carried further : it is singular at all times , then it was particularly striking ; because his senses were alert , and his mental faculties wakened to unwonted activity .