
xiāo shòu liànɡ
  • sales volume
  1. 用季节自回归模型SAR(p)预测药品销售量

    Forecasting Sales Volume of Medicine by Means of Seasonal Autoregressive ( SAR ) Model

  2. 目前FS公司在中国家电连锁行业销售量排名第四。

    At present , as regards to sales volume , FS Appliance Company ranks the fourth in the Chinese appliance chain trade .

  3. 我们在全世界的总销售量估计在5000万左右。

    Estimations of our total world sales are around 50 million .

  4. 他们最近努力想提高销售量,全是白费劲。

    Their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure .

  5. 我们的主要目标是增加在欧洲的销售量。

    Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe .

  6. 销售量惊人地增加了20%。

    There was an astounding 20 % increase in sales .

  7. 良好的广告宣传活动会增加我们的销售量。

    A good advertising campaign will increase our sales .

  8. 我们预料明年销售量将会增加。

    We anticipate that sales will rise next year .

  9. 过去几年中销售量较原来的增加了四倍。

    Sales have quintupled over the past few years .

  10. 这张新的歌曲专辑一举登上了周销售量榜首。

    The new album went straight to number one .

  11. 他们的销售量预测纯属估计。

    Their sales projections are a total thumbsuck .

  12. 她已有三张唱片曾经名列周销售量排行榜榜首。

    She 's had three number ones .

  13. 今年销售量锐减。

    Sales have slumped this year .

  14. 汽车销售量的激增被视为经济回升的指标。

    The surge in car sales was regarded as an encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy .

  15. 第一组数据显示截至7月27日的周销售量。

    The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27 .

  16. 预计对英国军队的销售量会减少。

    Sales to the British forces are expected to drop off

  17. 传闻有证据表明欧洲的销售量已经下滑。

    Anecdotal evidence suggests that sales in Europe have slipped .

  18. 然而,销售量的增加并没有推动利润。

    Higher sales have not helped profits , however .

  19. 与此同时,黑胶唱片的销售量在1992年下降了一半,只有670万张。

    Meanwhile , sales of vinyl records halved in 1992 to just 6.7m .

  20. 高层领导将要讨论销售量如何削减。

    Senior officials will be discussing how the volume of sales might be reduced .

  21. T恤的单位产品销售量增加了6%。

    Unit sales of T-shirts increased 6 % .

  22. 销售量上个月猛增了9%。

    Sales shot up by 9 % last month

  23. 5月份新车的销售量连续第二个月攀升。

    Sales of new cars rose in May for the second month on the trot .

  24. 可怜一下这个国家的店老板吧——5月份消费品的销售量又下滑了。

    Spare a thought for the nation 's shopkeepers — consumer sales slid again in May

  25. 销售人员只根据销售量提取佣金。

    The salesmen work on commission only

  26. 这一举措旨在增加1月和2月预订高峰期的销售量。

    The move is designed to boost sales during the peak booking months of January and February .

  27. 今年前8个月,大型货车的销售量增加了14%,而小轿车的销售仍然不景气。

    During the first eight months of this year , sales of big pickups were up 14 % while car sales stayed flat

  28. 销售量下降了。

    Sales have dropped off .

  29. 销售量下降时,公司陷入了困境。

    When'sales slowed down , the company got into difficulties .

  30. 图表显示该公司本年度销售量下降。

    The chart showed the decline in the company 's sales during the year .