
  • 网络silver crucible
  1. 所以,在常压碱液条件下,银坩埚最适宜作ZnO的育晶器。

    Therefore , silver crucible is most suitable for growing the ZnO crystal .

  2. 本文介绍了在银坩埚中用氢氧化钠分解氟化铝,以高氯酸驱除氟,EDTA容量法测定铝含量的分析方法。

    This paper presents a method determining aluminium by EDTA volumetric analysis . In silver crucible , the aluminium fluoride is decomposed with sodium hydroxide and fluorine is drived out with perchloric acid .

  3. 在银坩埚中以KOH于600℃熔融试样,以氟硅酸钾滴定法测定试样中硅。

    The sample is melted with potassium hydroxide at 600 ℃ in sliver crucible , then silicon in the sample is determined by titrimetry with potassium hexafluorosilicate .

  4. 采用在银坩埚中用NaOH和Na2O2(2:1)的混合熔剂,在700℃下熔融20分钟分解样品。

    We have used NaOH and Na_2o_2 , ( 2:1 ) as a fusing mixture and used a si liver crucible as our container to decompose the sample at 700 ℃ for 20 minutes .

  5. 瓷坩埚代替银坩埚进行生料全分析

    Replacement of Silver Crucible with Ceramic Crucible for Complete Analysis of Raw Mix

  6. 并且,在任一个浇满了熔银的坩埚中,银原子中的电子一半是向上转,另一半是向下转。

    And , in any arbitrary crucible full of molten silver , half of them are going to be spin-up and half of them are going to be spin-down .