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  • shovel
  1. 一把铁铲靠墙放着。

    A shovel was leaning against the wall .

  2. 把铁铲放在一个陌生人的新坟墓里。

    Put the shovel in a stranger 's freshly dug grave .

  3. 但是我没有铁铲跟着他们干。

    But I 've no spade to follow men like them .

  4. 他把表面一层厚土连根掀起,把铁铲发亮的一边深深埋下去,

    He rooted out tall tops , buried the bright edge deep

  5. 就拿来铁铲,把它们种到了后院里

    I got a spade and planted them in our backyard .

  6. 他抓起一把铁铲走进花园这。

    He seized a shovel and went into the garden .

  7. 现在,用刷子或铁铲就可以轻松除掉苔藓了。

    It can now be easily removed using a brush or shovel .

  8. 斯科特?加尔文:他用铁铲打我!

    Scott calvin : he hit me with a shovel !

  9. 然后发现有人拿着铁铲在那儿等她

    And found someone waiting for her with a shovel .

  10. 在一场暴风雪袭击威斯康星西部地区后,当地居民正用铁铲清除积雪。

    Western Wisconsin residents are shoveling out after a snowstorm hit the region .

  11. 花匠背着一把铁铲,以极平常的口吻回答说

    The gardener , spade on back , replied in the most unconcerned tone

  12. 好的,铁铲不错,我来吧。

    Fine , fine shovel . I got it .

  13. 爷爷匆忙抄起一把铁铲,跑过去救那只可怜的狗。

    So grandpa ran up with his shovel to rescue the poor dog .

  14. 有一次他还是用铁铲打了他父亲。

    He hit his father with a shovel once .

  15. 我去的时候铁铲不见了

    The shovel was gone when I got there .

  16. 土块粘在铁铲上。

    Clods of soil stuck to the spade .

  17. 一个掘墓人拿起一把巨大的铁铲,一点一点地清除墓穴里的积土;

    One grave-digger took a wide shovel and little by little emptied the grave ;

  18. 铁铲切进了砾石累累的土地

    When the spade sinks into gravelly ground

  19. 随后两人拿着篮子和铁铲走进森林。

    Then the two of them took a basket and a shovel into the forest .

  20. 她一个人在院子里铁铲就在旁边

    She was all alone in her yard , and the shovel was right there .

  21. 鲍伯不想干活,懒洋洋地倚在铁铲上。

    Bob , who have no intention of work , lean lazily on his spade .

  22. 军人们用铁铲和棍棒搜寻幸存者和死者。

    And soldiers using shovels and sticks are both searching for survivors and recovering the dead .

  23. 使用最可靠的干草叉或比较轻的铁铲,把护根物铲到比较合适的位置。

    Using your trusty pitchfork or lightweight shovel , move the mulch into the desired area .

  24. 他们在一起聊“小说和旅行”还是“铁铲和沙砾”

    are they talking about " Novels and travel " or " Shovels and gravel " ?

  25. 我们用了各种工具,铁铲,耙子。

    We used every kinds of tools , head out , shovel , rake to do it .

  26. 在他的塔架后面,警察找到一把沾有她的血迹的铁铲。

    In the back of his rig , the police found a shovel with her blood on it .

  27. 在发现后院那可怕的场景之前,他们找到了他沾有泥土的衣服和一把用过的铁铲。

    They found his muddy clothes and a used shovel before discovering the horrific scene in his backyard .

  28. 他们认为这个深坑是由铁铲挖出来的,而整个事情只是一场骗局。

    They think the hole was dug by a shovel , and the whole thing was just a hoax .

  29. 但今天我没带枪,而我的球车里只有铁铲和美工刀。

    No gun today , and all I had in my cart was a shovel and a box cutter .

  30. 金伯利钻石矿坑被认为是世界上最大的人力挖掘矿坑,从1866年至1914年,50000名矿工使用铁铲等工具进行挖掘,共挖掘出2722公斤钻石。

    From 1866 to 1914 50000 miners dug the hole with picks and shovels , yielding 2722 kg of diamonds .