
tiě qián
  • Iron pliers;hawkbill
铁钳[tiě qián]
  1. 组合式电动栅形烤架和蛋奶烘饼铁钳模双安全钳作用下的电梯导轨建模与变形分析

    Grill and waffie-iron , combined , electric Modeling and Deformation Analysis of Elevator Rail With Duplex Safety Gear

  2. 金匠冲到街上,腰间还系着工作围裙,一只手拿着铁钳,一只手拿着金链条。

    He had his leather apron on , and in one hand he had a golden chain and in the other his tongs .

  3. 她拿出海烫发铁钳,点起煤气,开始补救由于爱情加上慷慨而造成的灾害。

    She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generousity added to love .

  4. 一座建造于610年、至今仍矗立的拱桥,就广泛地利用铁钳来加固桥拱桶板之间的联系。

    A segmental arch bridge , which was built in AD 610 and still stands , made extensive use of iron clamps between the staves of the arches .

  5. 女王说着,把手搭在迪格雷肩上那是一只白皙而漂亮的手,但迪格雷却感到铁钳般的沉重。

    Said the queen , laying her hand on his shoulder - a white , beautiful hand , but Digory could feel that it was strong as steel pincers .

  6. 这两个高大凶狠的汉子跳起来,抓住那两把大铁钳,塞进了火堆中心。他叫它大钳甲虫。

    The two great ruffians sprang up , and , grasping the long pincers , plunged them into the heart of the fire . a @ pinchbug , @ he called it .

  7. 珂赛特活在他俩中间,受着两方面的压力,就象一头小动物同时受到磨盘的挤压和铁钳的撕裂。

    Cosette was between them , subjected to their double pressure , like a creature who is at the same time being ground up in a mill and pulled to pieces with pincers .

  8. 这时它们突然像铁钳般左右夹击过来,很快就彻底打败了楚军。

    The troops of Luo , having got everything well planned for quite some time , suddenly pinched them from both sides of the river like tongs , and soon defeated them thoroughly .

  9. 她找出烫发铁钳,点燃煤气,着手修补因爱情加慷慨所造成的破坏,这永远是件极其艰巨的任务,亲爱的朋友们简直是件了不起的任务呵。

    She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love . Which is always a tremendous task , dear friends & a mammoth task .

  10. 她找出烫发铁钳,点燃煤气,着手修补因爱情加慷慨所造成的破坏,这永远是件极其艰巨的任务,亲爱的朋友们——简直是件了不起的任务呵。

    She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love . Which is always a tremendous task , dear friends -- a mammoth task .