
tiě zhǎo
  • iron claw
铁爪[tiě zhǎo]
  1. 毫无疑问,他身上最可怕的部分就是其铁爪(J.M.巴里)

    Undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw ( J.M. Barrie )

  2. 胡克的那只铁爪也一动不动地垂着,好像它也知道,自己不是那进攻的敌人真正要得到的身体的一部分。

    Even the iron claw hung inactive ; as if knowing that it was no intrinsic part of what the attacking force wanted .

  3. 铁爪急速关闭以抓取样品。

    The jaws snap shut to take a sample .

  4. 似乎即便是地震也无法撼动垄断集团的铁爪。

    Not even an earthquake , it seems , can shake the monopolists " grip .