- 名Molybdenum fertilizer;molybdate fertilizer

Effect of ammonium molybdate to rape growth , Vitamin-C content and total nitrogen content
Natrium molybdate was not suitable to be added into rhizobial inoculant , because of the low viable number and its high effect on pH ( value ) .
The yield of water spinach significantly increased With proper fertilization of N , K , Mo , and N was the major factor influencing the yield , next was K , the smallest was Mo.
Regardless of the maize in high density 48 000 plants per hm2 or under the low density 36 000 plants per hm2 , fertilizer amounts could enhance the root nodule counts of soybean in the interplanting system .
The increasing effect of boron was better than that of molybdenum .
Effect of appling molybdenum fertilizer on nitrate content in lettuce and you-mai vegetable
Studies on effect of molybdenum to winter wheat growth
Effect of molybdenum fertilizer application on the nitrogen and Molybdenum Nutritions of Wheat
On the increasing effect of practising molybdenum on Soybean
Effects of Mo Fertilizer on Proline Content and Ascorbic Acid Content in Winter Wheat
The results showed that DCD and Mo could obviously reduce nitrate accumulation in vegetables .
Effects of Zn , B and Mo application on the growth and quality of alfalfa
Development of molybdenum fertilizer and multi-composite fertilizer
Effect of applying Molybdenum to the intercropping system of soybean and maize on increase of yield
The effects of molybdenum on soybean growth , yield and quality were studied in this paper .
Effect of applying molybdenum on root nodule counts of soybean in the intercropping system of soybean and maize
Effects of spraying of fertilizer Mo on the agronomic and economic properties of flue-cured tobacco in Sichuan Province
Effects of Molybdenum Application on Contents of Free Amino Acid , Soluble Sugar and Protein of Winter Wheat at Different Growth Stages
The effect of molybdenum fertilizer combined with iron , manganese , copper , zinc is better than spraying separating . 4 .
The effects of Dicyandiamide ( DCD ) and Molybdenum ( Mo ) on reducing nitrate accumulation in vegetables were carried out in pot-test .
Appling molybdenum fertilizer could remarkably reduce accumulation of nitrate in lettuce and you-mai vegetable no matter which pattern of fertilization , basal-dressing and top-dressing .
The fertilizer of both Mo and P can increase the content of amylose and branch amylum in the winter wheat , especially for branch amylum .
Regardless of low SCI 2 ∶ 4 , or high SCI 3 ∶ 2 conditions , fertilizer amounts could increase the root nodule count of soybean .
Fe , B , Mo fertilizer could promote forage tillering , enlarge LAI and strengthen competition ability with weeds , which favored photosynthesis and forage quality improvement .
The results showed that application of Zn , B and Mo could increase plant intensity , number of nodules , number of branch shoots and plant height .
Spraying molybdenum fertilizer resulted in the increases in content of crude protein of seed , sedimentation value and water absorption of flour , development and stable time of dough .
In the experimental rare earth element and 5 micronutrient fertilizers , spraying Molybdenum fertilizer and Manganese fertilizer could decrease nitrate contents and increase nitrate reductase activity in pakchoi significantly .
The results show that spraying molybdenum fertilizer and manganese fertilizer can decrease nitrate contents in Chinese cabbage significantly . Molybdenum fertilizer and manganese fertilizer also increase nitrate reductase activity .
The results showed as following : high rate of nitrogen fertilizer was necessary for high wheat yield , and under high nitrogen condition , the increasing rate of winter wheat yield by molybdenum was more significant .
The results also indicated that additional fertilization with molybdenum ( Mo ) increased the number of peanut root tumor by 39.7 % , thus the N-fixing ability enhanced , the content of rough fat and protein increased .