
  • 网络ditch cleaning
  1. 本公司还可根据用户需要制造特殊用途及非标准规格的挖斗,如:清沟斗、V型斗、加强斗、岩石斗、装载机铲斗等。

    We also can manufacture all types of non-standard , special buckets according to our customers'demands , such as ditch cleaning buckets , V buckets , strengthen buckets , rock buckets , and loader buckets .

  2. 洗地机器人(Scooba450)论及家用机器人的普及化,哪家公司都比不过iRobot。这家制造商生产了除尘者Romba、清沟者Looj、清池者Mirra,以及今年(2014年——译注)推出的洗地机器人Scooba450。

    Scooba 450 No company has done more to popularize home robotics than iRobot , the maker of the Roomba vacuum , the Looj gutter cleaner , the Mirra pool cleaner and , this year , the Scooba 450 floor scrubber .

  3. 清沟机/下水道设备他清除了水沟中的污物。

    Gulley emptier / sewage equipment He cleared out the drain .

  4. 实行水旱轮作,适时翻耕,提前诱发灭草,铲埂清沟,净种除杂。

    The upland rotation , timely tillage , herbicide , ahead of evoked shovel Ridge Clearing Groove , net kind of impurity .

  5. 有限元法在北方岩溶地区地下水资源评价中的应用&以莱钢总厂清泥沟水源地为例

    The Use of Finite Element Method in Evaluation on Groundwater Resources of Northern Karst Area

  6. 为改善现场工作环境,利用水渣的松散性,研制了自动清渣机代替人工进行挖渣清沟。

    In order to improve working condition , based on water granulated slag 's looseness an automatic slag removal machine is developed to clean slag runner instead of manual work .