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  • calcium molybdate
  1. 高压浸出钼酸钙中钼的实验研究

    Experimental study on leaching molybdenum at high-pressure from calcium molybdate

  2. 钼酸钙多晶薄膜的制备及特性表征

    Synthesis and characterization of calcium molybdate polycrystalline thin film

  3. 铅盐沉淀分离EDTA滴定法测定钼酸钙中氧化钙量

    Determination of CaO Content in CaMoO_4 by Precipitation Separation of Lead Salt-EDTA Titration

  4. 磷钼酸钙阻燃抑烟剂的制备和性能研究

    Preparation and Property of Calcium Phosphomolybdate Flame Retardant and Smoke Suppressant

  5. 试验结果表明:钼酸钙中钼的回收率为85~95%;

    The experimental results show that the yield of molybdenum is 85-95 % ;

  6. 软溶液技术制备钼酸钙薄膜

    Calcium Molybdate Thin Film Deposited by Soft Solution Processing

  7. 乙二醇作溶剂时更易获得结构均一、致密的钼酸钙薄膜。

    The films made from ethylene glycol solution showed better structure homogeneity and surface morphology .

  8. 溶剂还会影响薄膜晶粒的形状,导致所制的钼酸钙薄膜的致密性有所不同。

    Solvent played an important role on control the crystal grain shape of the films .

  9. 用高压碱性浸出的方法研究了钼酸钙型矿中钼的浸出性能。

    In the experiment , high-pressure leaching has been used to separate molybdenum from calcium molybdate ores in basic solution .

  10. 结果表明:碳还原CaMoO4的反应级数为一级,反应表观活化能为197kJ/mol,碳的还原性能由于碳化硅,更适宜还原钼酸钙。

    The results show that the reaction between calcium molybdenate and carbon is of the first order , and activation energy is 197 kJ / mol. Reactivity of carbon is better that that of silicon carbide , more suitable for calcium molybdenate reduction .