
qián xué sēn
  • Qian Xuesen;Tsien Hsue-shen;Hsue-Shen TSIEN;H.S.TSIEN
  1. 在钱学森(TsienHsue-shen)的指导下,中国初步完成了喷气和火箭技术的建立规划。

    Under the guidance of Qian , also known as Tsien Hsue-shen , China finished the blueprint on developing jet and rocket technology .

  2. 文章择要地阐发了钱学森的科学观。

    This article briefly explains the science outlook of Qian Xuesen .

  3. 钱学森论思维科学与教育工程

    QIAN Xue-sheng 's Comment on Science of Thought and Educational Project

  4. 钱学森系统科学思想研究

    A Research on System Science Thought of QIAN Xue-sen

  5. 20年来,思维科学的研究与应用充分证明钱学森的科学预见是完全正确的。

    The research and application of Thought Science proved Qian Xue-sen 's foreseeing .

  6. 钱学森的去世是我们国家的一大损失。

    The death of Qian Xunsen was a great loss to our country .

  7. 钱学森先生手书(摘要)

    Manuscript of Mr , Qian Xuesen ( abstract )

  8. 学习钱学森先生技术科学思想的体会

    About the ideas of H.S. Tsien on Technological Sciences

  9. 钱学森复杂性思想研究&兼论中国复杂性研究的特色

    A Research on Complexity Thought of QIAN Xue-sen

  10. 钱学森科学分类与科技体系思想述评

    Qian Xue-sen 's classification of science and His Thought of Science and Technology System

  11. 用系统论的观点看人&钱学森心身观思想研究

    Analysis of Human from the View of System : Mind-body Relationship of Qian Xue-sen

  12. 其中,他提出的钱学森之问更是发人深省。

    Among them , he proposed " The question of Qian " is thought-provoking .

  13. 钱学森对灵感思维的建树

    Contribution of QIAN Xue-sen to Inspiration Thinking

  14. 钱学森还参与曼哈顿计划,研发了第一颗原子弹。

    Qian also participated in the Manhattan Project , which developed the first atomic bomb .

  15. 钱学森是中国思维科学的倡导者、开拓者之一。

    QIAN Xue-sheng is one of the advocators and pioneers of Chinese science of thought .

  16. 钱学森与建筑科学

    QIAN Xue-sen and architectural sciences

  17. 《钱学森的情感世界》是一本结构新颖、内涵丰厚、感人至深的传记性著作。

    Qian Xuesen 's Feeling World is a moving biography which has new structure and wealth content .

  18. 钱学森的一生。是伟大的、光辉的一生,他的科学成就,万古长存;他提出的科学思想。

    The life of Qian Xuesen is great and glory one with eternal scientific achievements and splendid scientific idea .

  19. 钱学森在加州期间恰逢二次大战,其研究项目为喷气推进。

    It was while in California , during the second world war , that his research concentrated on jet propulsion .

  20. 1950~1955年,钱学森在受到迫害打击时,又进行了新领域的研究,撰写了《物理力学讲义》和《工程控制论》等专著。

    In the period from 1950 to 1955 when he was prosecuted and attacked , Qian conducted researches in new areas .

  21. 钱学森原籍浙江杭州,生于官宦之家。

    Qian was the son of a government official , born in the city of Hangzhou in the coastal province of Zhejiang .

  22. 钱学森同志建设“山水城市”的设想对我国城市建设具有重要的指导意义。

    The ideas of building cities with mountains and water advanced by Qian Xueshen is of guiding importance to China 's city construction .

  23. 再次引用钱学森教授反复强调的问题,为什么我们的更高的教育机构很难培养好一流的天才。

    Qian was quoted as saying that he repeatedly asked the question why our institutions of higher learning could hardly cultivate first class talent .

  24. 在此案例中,钱学森试图以“质能量”概念来化解物理学中“唯物”与“唯心”之争,调解“科学事实”与“哲学标准”的矛盾。

    In this case , Qian Xuesen reconciled the conflict between " idealism " and " materialism " by advancing a new concept ," mass-energy " .

  25. 科学与艺术的结合:一位科学家的独特见解&学习《钱学森书信》体会之二

    Combination between Science and Arts : A unique understanding of a scientist & Second part of the learning experience of " Qian Xuesen ′ Letters "

  26. 开放复杂巨系统概念自钱学森提出后既成为当代系统科学的一个重要概念,又是复杂性科学的一个重要概念。

    Today , Open Complex Giant System ( OCGS ) has become an important concept of contemporary system science and complexity science since it was created .

  27. 在这个分支中,钱学森从纵向方面把现代科学技术体系分为十一大门类,每一大门类通过各自的桥梁与马克思主义哲学联系到一起。

    In this branch , from the vertical aspects Qian divided it into 11 categories , every of which related with Marxist philosophy in their own ways .

  28. 系统工程、系统学、开放的复杂巨系统理论是钱学森系统思想的三步曲,同时他还对系统哲学做了长期的探索。

    System engineering , systematics and open complex giant systems are three step of Qian 's system thought and he has study system philosophy for a long time .

  29. 从宏观角度考察作为系统科学家的钱学森,考察他如何从自然科学转向系统科学。

    In a macroscopic perspective , the author observes Qian Xuesen as a systems scientist : how he changed his research direction from natural science to systems science ;

  30. 钱学森院士不仅是当今世界杰出科学家,更是科学思想家、人民思想家。

    Academician Qian Xuesen is not only an outstanding scientist , but also a scientific thinker , and a people ′ s thinker in the world of today .