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  • 网络Jun porcelain
  1. 古钧瓷和现代钧瓷的模糊聚类分析

    Neutron activation analysis of some ancient and modern Chinese Jun Porcelain samples

  2. 景德镇瓷与汝瓷、钧瓷无关。

    Jingdezhen porcelain has no relation to Ru porcelain and Jun porcelain .

  3. 分析了Fe和Cu在钧瓷紫釉和青釉中的存在形态。

    The shape of Fe and Cu existing in violet glaze and bluish glaze of Jun kiln were analyzed by XPS in this paper .

  4. 在SEM下,汝瓷与钧瓷的显微结构差异较大,而仿汝瓷的显微结构类似于钧瓷;

    Under SEM , the Ru chinaware exhibited quite different microstructure from that of the Jun chinaware , but the microstructure of the Ru replica was similar to that of Jun chinaware .

  5. 采用中子活化分析法(INAA)测定了28个古钧瓷、7个现代钧瓷、2个景德镇瓷样品中所含的36种微量与稀土元素(REE)含量以探讨其起源。

    A total of 28 old Jun porcelain , seven modern Chinese Jun porcelain and two Jingdezhen porcelain samples are analyzed with INAA method .

  6. 钧瓷釉中含有铁矿物(Fe2O3,Fe3O4)和已进入粘土晶格的结构铁(Fe~(2+),Fe~(3+))。

    The glaze color of the Ru porcelain is related to the chemical state of iron . ( 2 ) The ancient Jun porcelain glazes contain iron minerals ( Fe2O3 , Fe3O4 ) and structural iron ( Fe2 + , Fe3 + ) entered clay mineral lattice .

  7. 现代仿古钧瓷的穆斯堡尔谱研究

    The Mossbauer spectroscopy study of the modern imitating ancient Jun porcelain

  8. 浅谈对河南钧瓷与后起之秀铜红釉的见解

    An Opinion on Henan Jun Ware and Copper Red Glaze

  9. 传统钧瓷的现代生态设计及生产研究

    Research on Modern Eco-design and Production of Traditional Jun Porcelain

  10. 钧瓷窑变的艺术特征及影响因素

    Influence Factors and Artistic Characters of Jun Ware Fambe

  11. 组成对钧瓷釉呈色的影响

    Influence of compositions on the coloring of Jun glaze

  12. 从化学组成上区分宋代汝瓷与民窑钧瓷

    Discrimination between Song Ru ware and Song Jun Ware

  13. 禹州钧瓷传统制作技艺是国家级非物质文化遗产项目。

    Jin jun porcelain traditional production techniques is the state-level intangible cultural heritage projects .

  14. 从传统到现代:中国钧瓷史的社会学叙述(一)

    From traditional to modern : a sociological narration of China Jun porcelain history (ⅰ)

  15. 传统文化隐喻:神垕钧瓷历史变迁的社会学考察

    Traditional Culture Etaphor : Sociological Survey of the Historical Changes in SHEN HOU Jun Porcelain

  16. 传统钧瓷与现代陶艺

    Traditional Jun-wares and Modern Ceramic Art

  17. 钧瓷中的微量元素

    The trace elements in Jun Ware

  18. 宋、元钧瓷的中间层、乳光和呈色问题

    On the interlayer , opalescence and coloration of Jun ( chun ) ware in the song and Yuan Dynasties

  19. 有收藏的古董古玩,像景泰花瓶、钧瓷、清中期的鎏金花盆等。

    Have collection of antique curio , like Jingtai vases , Jun , pots of gold and so on .

  20. 钧瓷的烧制是一种复杂的高难技术,还原程度很难控制;

    Jun Porcelain is a complex of firing high and difficult technology , degree of reduction is difficult to control ;

  21. 据实践,生产钧瓷如果离开这些条件,在任何国家都不会成功。

    According to practice , and production of Jun Porcelain If you leave these conditions , in any country will not succeed .

  22. 钧瓷传统制作技艺成熟于宋代,历史悠久,距今有千年历史。

    Jun porcelain traditional craft mature in song dynasty , has a long history , dating back one thousand years of history .

  23. 用光学显微术和电子显微术研究了河南禹县神垕镇刘家沟的钧瓷标本。

    Samples of Jun ware of Liu Jia Gou , Yu County , Henan Province , were studied by means of optical microscopy and electron microscopy .

  24. 本文利用反应堆中子活化分析法对不同产地、不同时代生产的钧瓷残片进行了分析,获得了十三块标本中的二十种元素的含量值。

    Twenty trace elements were found by neutron activation analysis in the nuclear reactor in13 specimens of Jan wares collected from different localities and different historical periods .

  25. 钧汝不分之说古已有之,尤其是天青色的汝瓷和钧瓷更是用目测难以区分。

    Ancient Jun and Ru Porcelain has been very difficult to distinguish for a long time , especially for the azure of them by using observation measurements .

  26. 仿古蓝钧釉料具有宽阔的脱羟基和玻璃化过程.这对形成钧瓷的独特釉色是有益的。

    The latter has been found will a broad process of dehydroxylation and vitrification , which may be profitable to form the unique glaze colour of Jun porcelain .

  27. 钧瓷以窑变著称,其杰出的艺术成就和文化内涵一直是古陶瓷研究的一个热门。

    Jun ware is famous for kiln changing , and owning to their outstanding artistic achievement and cultural content it has always been a popular study of ancient ceramics .

  28. 禹州市为河南省重要的古陶瓷产地之一,是宋代五大名瓷之一钧瓷的故乡。

    Yuzhou City is an important ancient ceramic producing area in Henan Province and the hometown of Jun porcelain-one of the five most famous porcelains of the song Dynasty .

  29. 钧瓷至宋代达到鼎盛阶段,成为当时的五大名窑之一,与汝、官、哥、定窑并驾齐驱。

    Jun Porcelain from Song Dynasty to reach peak stage , becoming one of the five famous kilns , and Ru , official , Colombian , Ding neck and neck .

  30. 如今钧瓷已成为继承和发扬传统艺术、发展旅游、对外文化交流、开发和振兴禹州经济的重要载体。

    Today , Jun Porcelain has become inherit and carry forward the traditional arts , tourism , foreign cultural exchanges , development and revitalization of the economy an important carrier Yuzhou .
