
  1. 多年来帮助了不少钢琴人才的成长。

    For years , Li Qi has contributed to the growth of many piano talents . Exploration of Young Long Jumpers Run-up Speed ;

  2. 于是大家开始关注这样的问题:当今社会对于钢琴人才需求的结构到底怎样才最接近理性和真实?

    So we begin to pay attention to the following question : in today 's society needs the structure of piano talent in the end closest to what a rational and real ?

  3. 论成人钢琴教学改革与人才综合素质的培养

    On Adult Piano Teaching Reform and Development of Their Qualities

  4. 拥有一支经验技术过硬的钢琴制造专业技术人才队伍,和先进的整套钢琴生产流水线,具备国内一流的现代化钢琴质量检测设备。

    It has a skillful piano-making team , a set of advanced piano production line and the state of art modern piano quality control equipment .

  5. 铃木钢琴教学法的教学目标不是培养专门的钢琴演奏人才,而是在教学生如何使用钢琴这门乐器表达音乐的过程中,培养其音乐素养,丰富其精神世界,健全其人格品质。

    Its purpose is not cultivate professional pianists , but to teach the students how to use this instrument to express the beauty of music , to develop their musical ability , enrich their spiritual worlds and develop their personalities .

  6. 数码钢琴集体课的多样化课堂演奏形式和丰富的教学内容,可以迅速有效地训练提高学生键盘综合应用能力,能够多出人才快出人才,有利于复合型、高素质跨世纪钢琴音乐教育人才的培养。

    Its varied playing forms in classroom and rich teaching contents can cultivate and raise rapidly the students ' ability of using the keyboard comprehensively and efficiently .