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  • 网络Steel Claw;steel talons
  1. 吴荪甫的脸色全变了。恶兆化成了犀利的钢爪,在他心上直抓。

    Wu Sun-fu 's face darkened at these ominous words , and an overpowering sense of foreboding clutched at his heart like a steel claw .

  2. 节能型铝钢复合结构阳极钢爪

    Energy-saving model anodic steel claw of aluminum-steel composite structure

  3. 但是,像YouTube播主科林·费兹,你也可以通过自制钢爪来自娱自乐。

    However , people like YouTube host Colin Furze have had some fun making their own external claws .

  4. 浅议阳极钢爪保护环的使用前景

    A Simple Discussion on Application Prospect of Steel-Claw Protecting Ring for Anode

  5. 提出了若干建议,其主要内容为:设计原则,玻璃面板设计,支承钢爪、支承钢结构设计。这些建议可供工程设计时参考。

    Its main contents include : the principles of design , the design of glass plates , the steel hook joints , the design methods of steel supporting structures .