
  1. 同时,探讨了规范金融机构市场退出机制的具体举措。结论不同组织中MDA变化在时间窗口中也显示出组织特异性,脑组织似乎更容易受到脂质过氧化作用的损害。

    At the same time specific measures to regulate market withdrawal mechanism for financial institutions are discussed as well . Conclusion The lipid peroxidation linking with dietary fat seems to have tissue specific and time specific .

  2. 金融机构市场退出立法的价值诉求

    The Value Appeal of Financial Institution 's Withdraw from Legislation

  3. 金融机构市场退出法律制度比较略论

    Simple Remark on the Legal Institution Comparison of Financial Organization Market Withdrawal

  4. 对建立健全我国金融机构市场退出机制的思考

    Thought of Building and Perfecting the Financial System Exit Mechanism in China

  5. 银行业金融机构市场退出之路

    A Way for Bank Affiliated Enterprises to Fade from Market

  6. 论我国金融机构市场退出的法律路径

    Legal Approaches for Financial Institutions ' Exit from Market in Our Country

  7. 第4章,完善我国金融机构市场退出体系的构想。

    Chapter four : Improvement about our country 's financial Industry exit system .

  8. 行政权与司法权的冲突及其解决&以金融机构市场退出为视点

    On the Conflict Between Administrative Powers and Judicial Powers

  9. 运用金融机构市场退出方式化解金融风险的效能分析

    The Efficiency Analyse on Exiting of Finance Institution

  10. 金融机构市场退出机制的国际比较与我国的制度选择

    International Comparison of Financial Institutions ' Market Withdrawal System and Institutional Choice of China

  11. 规范金融机构市场退出制度

    Improve the market exit mechanism for financial institutions

  12. 金融机构市场退出的关键是解决债务问题

    The Key of the Market Withdraws of Financial Institution : To solve the Debt Problem

  13. 金融机构市场退出是一个多方权力介入和博弈的过程。

    To establish a market exit mechanism for financial institutions needs the joint efforts of authorities .

  14. 同时,探讨了规范金融机构市场退出机制的具体举措。

    At the same time specific measures to regulate market withdrawal mechanism for financial institutions are discussed as well .

  15. 这部分的内容主要包括了对银行业金融机构市场退出的原因、风险类型和市场退出方式的概括性研究。

    These analyses mainly are about the reasons , types of crisis , and modes of banking institutions market exit .

  16. 本文的研究最终也是为了对中国的银行业金融机构市场退出立法作出一定的设想和法律制度完善上的建议。

    The final global of this paper is to give some advises to the banking institutions market exit law of China .

  17. 论我国问题金融机构市场退出法律制度的完善政府对问题金融机构的救助与监管有效性研究

    Discourse upon the Perfection of the Market Withdrawal System of Problematic Financial Institution A Study on the Government Salvation and Regulation Effectiveness

  18. 金融机构市场退出是金融发展中不可避免的现象,也是金融稳定,提高金融市场效率的客观要求。

    It is unavoidable in the developing of finance that financial institution withdraws from market . Withdrawing mechanism of financial institution can accelerate the financial stability and improve financial efficiency .

  19. 并购是当前解决我国金融机构市场退出难题的最为实际有效的办法。

    Legislation of Market Exit Mechanism in Present-day China Merger Acquisition , MA , is supposed the most effective approach as solution of market exit of financial institutions in China .

  20. 尚没有规范和完善的银行日常风险性监管,对问题金融机构市场退出监管方面仍显薄弱,缺乏制度性的措施对其进行规范。

    Yet to standardize and improve the daily risk of bank supervision , market withdrawal of problem financial institutions remained weak supervision , lack of institutional measures to regulate them .

  21. 第二部分是对银行业金融机构市场退出现实基础的分析,此部分由论文的第二章与第三章构成。

    This part is constituted by chapter two and three . In this part , we try to analyze the exiting reality and draw a conclusion of banking institutions market exit .

  22. 在我国商业银行改革不断深化的形势下,国家担保逐渐退出,金融机构市场退出问题开始显露。

    Under the situation that the reform of commercial bank is being deepened constantly of our country , the national guarantee withdraws gradually , some financial institutions begin to go bankrupt .

  23. 本文通过对广东省恩平市金融机构市场退出后的民间信贷市场考察,认为经济活动的需要是金融交易得以存在的客观基础。

    This paper studies the transaction natures and economic background of informal credit market of Enping City , Guangdong Province , give the market withdrawal of formal financial institutions in this region .

  24. 本文比较分析了国外金融机构市场退出机制,对法律框架、处置主体、处置手段、救助资金来源、不良资产管理五个方面进行比较研究。

    This paper compares the systems of foreign financial institutions ' market withdrawal , and analyzes the five aspects , i.e. , legal framework , managerial body , and resources of saving fund , bad asset management .

  25. 银行业金融机构市场退出法律制度的内容体系涉及了银行业金融机构的公司治理制度、利益相关人保护制度、最后贷款人制度和存款保险制度。

    These contents include the relevant stakeholder protection system , corporate autonomy , lender of last resort system , deposit insurance system of banking institutions ; all they are the components of the banking institutions market exit legal system .

  26. 在该部分中包括对银行业金融机构市场退出这一命题中的几个关键的概念进行界定,着重在对设立银行业金融机构市场退出法律制度的必要性得出结论。

    In this part , we will define such notions as bank , banking institutions and market exit . The best important is drawing the conclusion that it is necessary to set up the legal system of banking institutions market exit .

  27. 限于篇幅,本文无法对金融机构市场退出的具体法律制度逐一探讨,只是着重对其主要法律机制进行研究,以期为金融机构市场退出法律制度的构建提供理论支持。

    Because of the limited space , this paper does not discuss concrete legal systems on financial institution withdrawing from the market but emphasizes on its key legal mechanisms so as to afford the theoretical basis for its law system construction .

  28. 但是,地方政府财力薄弱而拖欠归还中央银行专项再借款,使金融机构市场退出成本货币化的倾向十分明显。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    However , because of the weak financial strength , the local governments often defer the repayment of the special reloans to the central bank and further cause the obvious " monetization " trend of the withdrawal cost of the financial institutions .

  29. 论高风险金融机构的市场退出

    On the Market Exit of High - risk Financial Institutions

  30. 建立存款保险制度,完善金融机构市场化退出机制。

    Build a deposit insurance system and complete the market-based exit system for financial institutions .