
  • 网络Financial Services Agency
  1. 日本金融厅(FinancialServicesAgency)将在下一财年的4月至9月之间出台这些措施。

    The Financial Services Agency will introduce the measure between April and September next fiscal year .

  2. 野村和11家其他主要日本经纪商将在下周向日本金融厅(FinancialServicesAgency)提交有关其内控详情的报告。

    Nomura and 11 other major Japan-based brokers are due to give Japan 's Financial Services Agency detailed reports on their internal controls next week .

  3. 此举突出表明,尽管日本金融厅(financialservicesagency)正努力吸引更多外国投资者前来日本,但在日本进行一笔私人股本交易仍然非常困难。

    The move underscores the continued difficulty of executing a private equity deal in Japan , in spite of efforts by the financial services agency to lure more foreign investors into the country .

  4. 为了应对内幕交易,金融厅也要求日本证券业协会(JapanSecuritiesDealers'Association)考虑采取一些手段,确保发行新股的企业及其承销商更严格地遵守规定。

    To tackle insider dealing , the FSA is also asking the Japan Securities Dealers ' Association to consider ways to ensure stricter compliance by companies issuing new shares and their underwriters .

  5. 日本的金融厅认为,至少需要建立一家中央结算对手,清算交易量达到特定水平的简单利率掉期和信贷违约掉期合约,比如日本的itraxx指数交易。

    In Japan , the FSA has concluded that at least one CCP will be necessary for the clearing of straightforward interest rate swaps and credit default swaps of a certain turnover , such as itraxx Japan index transactions .

  6. 假如日本金融厅发现违规行为,可能会对青空银行处以罚款或要求撤换管理层。

    If the FSA finds irregularities , it could fine the bank or demand management changes .

  7. 日本金融厅表示,这是非法的,因为“新食品”必须在出售前特别授权。

    The FSA says this is illegal because " novel foods " must have special authorisation before being sold .

  8. 也许,这可以让负责监管日本银行业的金融厅长官五味广文松一口气。

    This may relieve Hirofumi Gomi , the commissioner of the Financial Services Agency , which regulates the banks .

  9. 日本金融厅表示,向反社会力量放贷的行为在被官方察觉以后仍持续了两年多。

    Lending to antisocial forces went on for more than two years after it was detected , the FSA said .

  10. 日本金融厅一直在与证券经纪公司举行听证会,探求它们希望采取哪些与分项收费有关的改革,以及改革将对各方产生什么影响。

    The FSA has been conducting hearings with brokerages to find out what changes they are seeking in relation to unbundling and how changes will affect those involved .

  11. 日本金融厅对媒体称,花旗“过于看重”利润,而且培育了一套“无视日本法律法规而逃避法律的销售体系。”

    The FSA told the press that Citi gave profits " undue importance " and cultivated a " law-evading sales system that disregards the laws and regulations of Japan . "

  12. 作为一个马匹被套牢后就关门(大意貌似是“死于安乐”,瓮中捉鳖)的清晰案例,日本金融厅的情况已经有力地向银行证明,它想要资金大量地增加。

    In a clear case of shutting the door after the horse has bolted the FSA is already indicating very strongly to banks that it wants this capital to increase substantially .

  13. 日本金融厅表示,这种操作方式是否与其它法规相抵触,革新在公司内部是否能够应付,这些问题都需要在新法规可能通过前进行研究。

    Issues of whether operating this way conflicts with other laws and whether it is a manageable change within the company would need to be examined before approval could be given , the FSA says .

  14. 佐藤隆文还表示,在日本公司治理的问题上,金融厅致力于将改善该国的公司治理,而为上市公司委派独立董事,将有助于实现这一目标。

    On corporate governance in Japan , the FSA chief also said the regulator was committed to improving corporate governance in the country and that appointing outside directors at listed companies would help achieve that objective .

  15. 即使(切)田村先生所述,金融服务厅仍遭受着政客们的肆意介入。

    Even by Mr Tamura 's admission , the Financial Services Agency ( FSA ) suffers from undue meddling by politicians .

  16. 更为盛者,金融服务厅与其下属机构“证券交易监督委员会”一样设法使自身人员不足且极对抗性。

    The fsa , as well as the securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission which sits under it , manages to be both understaffed and overly adversarial .