- species;gold;gold coin

[gold coin] 金制的货币
People used to pay in gold .
" We may find he buried his gold coins ! "
True to his word , Shang Yang gave the man 50 gold pieces .
I carried the peppermint with me as if it was a gold coin .
Then , in front of the crowd , Shang Yang said loudly , " The man who takes this pole to the north gate will get 10 gold pieces . "
After a brief discussion , they agreed to the sum of 300 coins .
What a surprise for the two merchants when they uncovered an earthen pot full of gold coins !
I started digging and found a big pot full of gold coins . I have never in my life seen so much money ! "
This time both of them dug with energy and , sure enough , they found the six pots , one after another , each one filled to the brim with gold coins .
You have said that there is a big pile of gold coins . I am your friend and I do not want to wrong you . You tell me how much you estimate to be the price of your dream .
Think the levels and coins in Super Mario , which create a building sense of progress and reward .
Additionally the spectator will be able to quickly and easily reference information on either team such as in-game stats , item builds , gold totals , and ability cooldowns .
The company will soon excavate the HMS Victory , which sank in the English Channel and could hold as much as three tons of gold coins .
The Columbus-America Discovery Group , a salvage operation assembled to locate the wreck , found the SS Central America in September 1987 , recovering vast quantities of gold worth .
Our team is at your service via email , live chat or QQ to answer all of your questions concerning your wow gold orders or any other concern .
Nervousness in financial markets , economic uncertainty and fears that paper currencies could tumble in value have all drawn investors to gold coins , bars and exchange-traded funds backed by gold .
Edel Tully , precious metals strategist at UBS in London , added : Coin demand is so intense that supply is struggling to match .
Tomas , a computer technician , has exchanged his Euro savings for gold coins : " I keep them at home just like my grandmother did in the Second World War . "
In 1993 , gold imports to Japan totaled more than 160 metric tons , including heavy buying of coins and jewelry , but a decade later imports had fallen to about 55 tons , according to data from gold dealer Tanaka and precious-metals consultancy Thomson Reuters GFMS .
With wonderful writing by J.K. Rowling in Moments from Half-Blood Prince , shiny gold Galleons and even a new potion or two , make sure you don 't miss out - just visit pottermore.com and answer our rhyming riddles .
Whether by correlation or causation , Beck also happens to be heavily sponsored ( both in his Fox News days and now in his Internet enterprise ) by Goldline , a company selling gold coins .
The old lady is in possession of some gold coins .
This paper makes a textual study on this gold coin .
Can I place tomorrow 's gold in today 's purse ?
Pinocchio gave the innkeeper one gold coin and ran outside .
He 's after the same thing : 100 gold coins .
He 's got lot of gold coins hidden away somewhere .
The thing that wasn 't saved though was the coins .
The gold coin of Leo I found in Luo Yang City
They didn 't know it was in pinocchio 's mouth .