
jīn zi
  • gold
金子 [jīn zi]
  • (1) [gold] 见金 1

  • (2)

金子[jīn zi]
  1. 金子被锤打成了薄薄的长条。

    The gold is beaten out into thin strips .

  2. 19世纪时,在加利福尼亚发现了金子。

    In the 19th century , gold was discovered in California

  3. 金色的阳光使大海如金子般闪闪发光。

    The golden light gilded the sea .

  4. 每年他们淘出大约1.5吨金子。

    Every year they panned about a ton and a half of gold .

  5. 金矿并非无底的宝藏,金子终究会被采光。

    A gold mine is not a bottomless pit , the gold runs out

  6. 她开始被人们赞誉为有一颗金子般的心的无私女孩。

    She started to get a reputation as an unselfish girl with a heart of gold

  7. 云彩像被擦亮的金子一般闪闪发光。

    The clouds glowed like burnished gold .

  8. 到目前为止,找回来的金子都保存在一个秘密地点的金库中。

    The gold recovered so far is being held in a vault at a secret location .

  9. 如果在你这块地底下发现了石油或金子,你可以把采矿权卖掉。

    If oil or gold are discovered under your lot , you can sell the mineral rights .

  10. 他把金子紧紧地攥在手里。

    He clasped the gold in his hand .

  11. 闪光的东西不一定都是金子。

    All is not gold that glitters .

  12. 矿工们正在挖金子。

    The miners were digging for gold .

  13. 接着他拿起了一块面包,面包也变成了金子。

    Then he took a piece of bread , and that also changed into gold .

  14. 激励他们的是炼金术,即把普通金属变为金子的“科学”。

    What spurred them on was alchemy , the science of changing ordinary metals into gold .

  15. 战争临近时,阿莉亚担心战火会毁了这些书,对她来说,这些书比金子堆成的山更让她担心。

    When the war was near , Alia was worried that the fires of war would destroy the books , which are more worried to her than mountain of gold .

  16. 我是说,不是所有闪光的东西都是金子。

    I mean that all glitters is not gold .

  17. 他想得到金子。

    He wanted to get a lot of gold .

  18. 一个商人听到这件事,便拿出一百两金子要买他的秘方。

    A merchant heard of this medicine and offered him a hundred pieces of gold .

  19. (这条项链是为我做的吗?)(这条项链是金子做的吗?)

    Was this necklace made for me ?

  20. 激励他们的是炼金术,即把普通金属变为金子的“科学”

    What spurred them on was alchemy , the'science " of changing ordinary metals into gold .

  21. 宋人以为一百两金子不少,便把秘方卖给了他。

    The Song person thought a hundred pieces of gold was a lot of money , so he gave him the recipe .

  22. 乐羊子听了妻子的话,心里感到非常惭愧,就把金子扔到野外去了。

    Hearing this , Yangzi was very ashamed of himself . So he threw the piece of gold away in the open field .

  23. 有一天,乐羊子在路上拾到一块金子,高高兴兴地拿回家,交给妻子。

    One day , Le Yangzi picked up a piece of gold on the road . He happily took it home and gave it to his wife .

  24. 衙役们对这个在大庭广众之下公然抢劫的行为特别不理解,齐国人回答说:“我拿金子的时候,眼睛没有看见人,看见的只有金子。”

    The patrol could not understand his overt robbery , he replied , " When I got hold of the gold , I saw nothing but the gold . "

  25. 来到卖金子的摊铺前,伸手抓过金子便往回走,结果被巡逻的衙役当场捉住。

    He came to the gold booth , seized on the gold and walked back , as a result of which he was caught by the patrol on the spot .

  26. 有一个急国人对金子特别喜欢,眼前常常出现成堆光灿灿的的金子。

    A man of the State of Qi have an extraordinary love for gold , and the vision of piles of splendid gold often appeared in front of his eyes .

  27. 古时候,有位少女,脖子上挂着宝珠,腰间佩着玉环,身上带着许多金子。

    Once upon a time , there was a young girl wearing girl wearing a strand loop around her waist , and carrying a great deal of gold with her .

  28. 我独自在横跨过田地的路上走着,夕阳像一个守财奴似的,正藏起它的后的金子。白昼更加深沉地投入黑暗之中,那已经收割了的孤寂的田地,默默地躺在那里。

    I PACED alone on the road across the field while the sunset was hiding its last gold like a miser1 . The daylight sank deeper and deeper into the darkness , and the widowed land , whose harvest had been reaped , lay silent .

  29. 但中国人比西方人喜欢更纯的金子:24K而不是18K。

    But Chinese people like their gold purer than their western counterparts : 24 carat , rather than 18 carat .

  30. 仅仅靠电影中的主要人物是不能够定位金子的,因为在这个墓场有太多的坟墓;或者说,在RAC的情形中,有太多的“坟墓”(比如,存储库)。

    Alone , the main characters in the movie are unable to locate the gold , because there are too many graves in the graveyard ; or , in the case of RAC , there are too many " graveyards "( i.e. , repositories ) .