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  • 网络Gold Master
  1. 在美国,P2P平台的主要金主包括大银行和其他领先金融服务公司。

    In the US , big banks and other leading financial services companies are among the main backers of P2P platforms .

  2. D-Wave的金主包括亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫•贝索斯(JeffBezos)、高盛(GoldmanSachs)以及加拿大政府。

    D-Wave 's financial backers include Amazon founder Jeff Bezos , Goldman Sachs and the Canadian government .

  3. 当奥巴马政府反对授权有关部门让违规网站消失(域名系统屏蔽)时,默多克在Twitter上发布了一条怪诞夸张的评论:奥巴马跟硅谷的金主们站到一起了。

    When the Obama administration objected to granting the authorities power to make offending websites disappear ( domain name system blocking ), Murdoch tweeted this grotesque exaggeration : Obama has thrown in his lot with Silicon Valley paymasters .

  4. 事发之前,KidsCompany耀眼的创始人和首席执行官卡米拉•巴特曼海利迪(CamilaBatmanghelidjh)已被抬得高高在上,多年来一直不受任何人质疑——无论是该机构的员工、金主和理事会,还是政府和媒体。

    Camila Batmanghelidjh , its flamboyant founder and chief executive , had been elevated to such heights that she was left unchallenged for many years , not only by her staff , donors and board of trustees , but also by the government and media .

  5. 优步(Uber)也面临同样激烈的竞争,它要努力对付当地的叫车应用OlaCab及其背后的金主日本软银(SoftBank)。软银已承诺,未来10年将向印度互联网企业投资100亿美元。

    A similarly fierce contest faces Uber as it grapples with local taxi hailing app Ola Cab , and its Japanese backer SoftBank , which has pledged to plough $ 10bn into Indian internet businesses over the next decade .

  6. 广告金主是智能游戏《恐怖极限》,周末,这款游戏广告出现在用户的Snapchat中,询问用户想打蕾哈娜耳光还是胖揍克里斯·布朗。

    The ad was for a smartphone game called Would You Rather that appeared inside Snapchat over the weekend asking users if they would rather slap Rihanna or punch Chris Brown .

  7. 但这一可能性似乎不大,此前德国财长沃尔夫冈朔伊布勒(wolfgangschuble)已辩称,efsf已经拥有足够的资源,德国政府(efsf最大的金主)将不再提供进一步的支持。

    But that possibility appeared remote after Wolfgang Sch uble , the German finance minister , argued that the EFSF already had ample resources , and that no further support from Berlin , its biggest sponsor , would be forthcoming .

  8. 你的确是我们最后的金主。

    It is true that you are our last remaining financier .

  9. 它们是美国产业界最大的金主。

    They are the largest source of financing for u.s.industry .

  10. 没有什么比不用再取悦富有的金主更让卡梅伦开心的了。

    Nothing would make Mr Cameron happier than to be relieved of having to court wealthy donors .

  11. 国家决策者对此置之不理(除了防范犯罪),因为他们的金主选民来自郊区。

    National politicians won 't deal with it ( except crime prevention ) because their financial constituencies are sub-urban .

  12. 所以我要知道你是否有朋友或家人,或金主已经投入资金,或你曾有很多创投经验。

    So I like to know if you have friends and family , or angel investors in there , or you 've had more VCs before .

  13. 毕竟,这里是马克•扎克伯格居住的社区,史蒂夫•乔布斯也曾是这里的居民,而且还有无数企业家和他们的金主们都希望能入住这里。

    After all , this is where Mark Zuckerberg lives , where Steve Jobs used to , and where countless entrepreneurs and their financiers want to move .

  14. 这位百万富翁兼糖果业大亨是反对派最大的金主之一,不过他被视为一个务实且愿意妥协的人。

    Der Milliard ä r und Besitzer eines S üß warenkonzerns war einer der wichtigsten Geldgeber der Opposition , gilt aber dennoch als pragmatisch und kompromissf ä hig .

  15. 所以梅萨人将在刘易斯先生和皮尔斯先生当中做出选择,前者坐拥大批本地赞助者,是一个慈眉善目的门外汉;后者则在国内名头响亮,且金主遍布各地,是个十足的富贵闲人。

    And so Mesans will choose between Mr Lewis , an avuncular amateur with mostly local donors , and Mr Pearce , a sauntering state bigwig with far-flung donors and national fame .

  16. 幕后金主亦分成两组人马,分别由美国和伊朗领导,挹注现金支持各自的受保护者,以证明他们支持的一方接近正常运作。

    Financial backers of the two groups , led by America and Iran , have poured in cash to prop up their respective proteges and prove that their side 's approach works better .

  17. 在一些“金主”看来,创业家在彼此竞争的过程中,为了吸引眼球、争夺消费者而大肆补贴用户,烧钱烧过头了。

    In the eyes of some backers , entrepreneurs are spending too much money as they compete with one another for the attention and patronage of customers , subsidising users in the process .

  18. 在一封主题名为“我的英雄”的邮件中,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院院长称赞招生办负责人在招收“金主”子女方面做得很好。

    In one email ( subject line : " My Hero " ) , the dean of the university 's Kennedy School of Government commends the dean of admissions for doing a great job in extending offers to students with generous parents .

  19. 金的主载体是铁的氢氧化物,银的主载体是锰的氢氧化物。

    The main carrier of gold is iron hydroxide , and that of silver is manganese hydroxide .

  20. 金泽园餐厅是中式餐厅,也是整个金外滩宾馆的主餐厅。

    The restaurant is of Chinese style and the primary dining place in the whole of The Bund Hotel .