
  1. 重选工艺在有色金属伴生金回收中的应用

    Application of Gravity Concentration Technique in Beneficiating Gold Combined with Nonferrous Metals

  2. 改造重选工艺流程提高经济效益

    To raise economic benefit by means of remoulding process flow of gravity concentration

  3. 混合铁矿石磁重选工艺优化

    Process Optimization of Magnetic-gravity Concentration for Compound Iron Mine

  4. 从试验结果看,认为后两种工艺比传统重选工艺更能有效的提高该钛矿选矿回收率。

    The results of the tests show that the latter two technologys is more effective than the former for improving the recovery .

  5. 采用摇床重选工艺和浮选工艺对某硫铁矿尾矿进行了再选试验研究。

    Experiments on re-concentration of the pyrites tailings with the gravity process by shaking table and the flotation process were carried out .

  6. 通过对他达铁矿尾矿性质的分析研究,采用分级、跳汰重选工艺对其进行回收。

    According to the analysis and study of the properties of Tada iron tailings , the tailings are recovered by classification-jigging gravity separation process .

  7. GB/T15715-1995煤用重选设备工艺性能评定方法

    Gravity separating equipment for coal & Performance evaluation

  8. 硫酸渣磁重选联合工艺回收铁精矿研究

    Study on recovering iron concentrate from pyrite cinder with combined process of magnetic and gravity separation

  9. 铁精矿提铁降硅的捷径&磁团聚重选新工艺的应用和效果分析

    Shortcut for Iron Increase and Silica Decrease of Iron Concentrate & Application of the new process of magnetic agglomeration-gravity separation and analysis of its effect

  10. 介绍了磁聚机的结构及磁团聚重选新工艺特点、磁场特性、选别原理及其应用效果。

    The structure of magnetic agglomeration gravity separator and the characteristics , properties of magnetic field , separation principles and the application effect of the magnetic agglomeration gravity separation process are described .

  11. 采用浮选磁选还原浸出重选脱泥工艺处理银含量为3.15×10-4的某银锰矿。

    The silver in some oxidized silver-manganese ore with a grade of 3.15 × 10 ~ ( - 4 ) Ag was concentrated with a novel technique including flotation , magnetic separation , reducing leaching and gravity desliming .

  12. 中小型锡重选厂尾矿选矿工艺流程研究

    Study on Processing Flowsheet of Tailing in Small-Middle-Sized Tin Gravity Concentrator

  13. 对某锡石多金属硫化矿进行了浮选重选和重选浮选的选矿工艺流程研究,结果表明两流程均可产出锡粗精矿以及富中矿,锡总回收率61.81%-67.90%;

    Results of processing the metallic sulfide ore show that the rough concentrate and rich middling of tin can be obtained both by the two combined processing flowsheet of flotation-gravity concentration and gravity concentration-flotation .

  14. 重选试验研究表明,采用单一摇床重选工艺指标不理想。

    Gravity separation experimental studies have shown that the single gravity separation by shaking table is not ideal .