
  • 网络Important defects;major defects;material weakness;significant deficiencies
  1. 我国《企业内部控制评价指引》按照内部控制缺陷对预期控制目标的偏离程度将其分为重大缺陷、重要缺陷和一般缺陷。

    According to the internal control evaluation guidelines in China , there are three kinds of internal control weakness : material deficiencies , significant deficiencies and general deficiencies .

  2. 类BAN逻辑的两个重要缺陷

    Two Important Defects of BAN Logic

  3. 对国际化支持不足是Rails的一个重要缺陷。

    The lack of internationalization support is one of the big missing pieces in Rails .

  4. 此次发布修正了包括严重的RDP在内的多个重要缺陷,并且添加了多项功能,像在增强的WindowsAzureConnectportal上支持多个管理员等等。

    The release fixes several significant bugs including the nasty RDP bug and adds capabilities like multiple administrator support from the enhanced Windows Azure Connect portal .

  5. 离散选择模型的典型代表Logit模型简洁易用的特点使其在经济、交通等领域得到了广泛的应用,但同时Logit模型的两个重要缺陷限制了其应用范围。

    Logit Model is being widely used in the field of economy and transportation because of its simplicity and convenience , but at the same time , Logit model has two important disadvantages which limit the scope of its application .

  6. 流动性不足是我国债券二级市场的一个重要缺陷,开放式回购的推出将大大增强债券市场流动性。

    There are a serious problem of liquidity on the second market of our bond market .

  7. 单晶高温合金晶体取向与轴向的偏离已成为单晶叶片的一个重要缺陷。

    Primary creep of single crystal superalloys at intermediate temperature & An important factor of turbine blade extension ;

  8. 新世纪初我国西方马克思主义研究的突出进展是研究视域的拓宽,目前存在的一个重要缺陷是缺乏对于西方马克思主义所代表的哲学范式转换的意义的认识。

    A chief drawbacks is the ignorance of the significance of Western Marxist transformation of philosophical paradigm in China .

  9. 实验发现,沿着平行于正表面的(111)片状缺陷是注氢硅中的重要缺陷。

    It was observed that platelet defects , which lay along the ( 111 ) plane , were in the majority of the defects .

  10. 被纳入研究的方法学质量:这一部分应当描述被纳入研究的总体质量和任何单个研究中的重要缺陷。

    Methodological quality of included studies : This should describe the general quality of the included studies and any important flaws in individual studies .

  11. 木刻版印刷有一重要缺陷,即第一新的图文信息需要雕刻一块新的木版,而且雕刻木版是一个又慢又繁琐的过程。

    A major limitation of wood block printing is that each new message requires carving a new block of wood , and carving is a slow and tedious process .

  12. 对于每一个手动的回归测试,我们应该评估运行它的成本(比如需要多少工作量来完成测试),同时评估发现任何重要缺陷的可能性,对二者进行权衡。

    For each manual regression test we should evaluate the cost of the test ( i.e.how much work it is to do the test ) vs the likelihood that any important defects will be discovered .

  13. 西部投资法律制度由国家与西部各地有关西部国内投资的法律制度和外商投资的法律制度组成,它们均存在不利于西部发展的重要缺陷。

    The legal systems of Western investment consist of national and western local legal systems in connection with domestic and foreign investment in the western zone , but these legal systems have many important drawbacks that are unfavorable for western development .

  14. 三是进一步完善内控审计准则和应用指南,建议将内部控制缺陷由三类简化为两类,即取消重要缺陷,只保留重大缺陷和一般缺陷,避免实务操作中的界定困难。

    Further improvement the audit standard and guidance , the internal control deficiencies may simplify from three types into two types , namely cancel the significant deficiency , only keep material weakness and general deficiency in order to avoid practical confusion . 4 .

  15. 缺陷组态直接涉及到结构材料的力学性能,特别是位错亚结构(DSS)为最重要的缺陷组态中的第一个。

    The defect configuration relates directly to the mechanical behaviour of structural materials . Especially , dislocation substructure , DSS , is one of the most important configurations .

  16. 大直径硅单晶、硅片中的最重要的缺陷之一是VOID,它会严重影响硅器件、集成电路的生产成品率和性能稳定性。

    The most important defect in large size ingots is void , which can degrade the gate oxide integrity ( GOI ), so as to affect the yields and stability of devices and 1C .

  17. 第二个渠道可以说是QE更重要的缺陷&美国与新兴市场(特别是美国与中国)货币政策制定之间的相互作用。

    The second and arguably more important flaw in QE lies in the interaction between US and emerging market monetary policy settings , most obviously with regards to China .

  18. 这些都是重要的缺陷,肯定会被我们的客户发现。

    And these were important defects that definitely would have been found by our customers .

  19. 当前核心系统中一个重要的缺陷是,存在作为关键数据源的应用程序,数据量会大幅度增加。

    A key deficiency in current core systems is data proliferation with mulitple applications acting as sources for key data .

  20. 测试策略需要集中在尽可能早地查找出最重要的缺陷上,并且以最低的成本。

    The test strategy needs to focus on finding the most important defects as early as possible , and at the lowest costs .

  21. 对于开发者来说,可以通过这种方式从庞大的代码中过滤掉那些不重要的缺陷。

    This is a useful starting point for developers looking to filter out less important defects from large code bases and is widely used in this context .

  22. 传统教学最重要的缺陷是损失了学生的主动性和创造性,充分发挥学生在学习中的主体作用是获得高效教学的关键。

    The major shortcoming of traditional teaching is the loss of students ' initiative and creativity , the key to obtain efficient teaching is to give full play to students ' central role .

  23. 氧沉淀和空洞型缺陷是硅单晶的重要微缺陷,对器件制造的成品率有显著影响,因此它们被广泛研究。

    Oxygen precipitates and voids are prominent microdefects in Czochralski ( Cz ) silicon , which have a significant impact on the yield of device manufacture therefore great efforts have been paid on them .

  24. 局部放电(PD)是检测XLPE电缆缺陷的一种重要手段,缺陷会造成电缆的局部场强的不均匀,在施加外部电压后引起局部放电的现象。

    PD measurement is an important means to detect defects on XLPE cables . Defects on cable insulation will cause inhomogeneity of field strength , which gives rise to partial discharge ( PD ) when an outside voltage is applied .

  25. 该文讨论了基于OpenGL的写像素函数SetPixel的两种实现方法,用程序实例对它们进行了对比分析,指出了它们存在的重要差异和缺陷。

    In this paper , two methods of SetPixel function to write pixel based on the OpenGL are gave , and comparison of which with Specific programs are gave , some important differences and Pitfalls are analyzed .

  26. 点缺陷是一类非常重要的晶体缺陷,它们的产生、运动与相互作用,以至于聚集或消失,都影响着金属晶体的基本性质。

    Among them , point defect is an important kind of lattice defects .

  27. 这种看法的确有其吸引力,但在一些重要方面存在缺陷。

    This theory has understandable appeal , but is deficient in important respects .

  28. 例如,测试在精化阶段,可以集中在确认构架上,而在构建阶段中,测试可以集中在查找最重要的软件缺陷上。

    Testing in the Elaboration phase , for instance , can focus on validating the architecture , whereas in the Construction phase it can focus on finding the most important software defects .

  29. 产品缺陷是承担产品责任的基础,更是产品责任法的核心,产品责任法的一个重要方面是缺陷的性质,产品存有缺陷是产品责任诉讼的一般要件。

    The defect of the products is the foundation of bearing the product liability , and the core of the product liability law . One important respect of product liability law is the nature of defect , defective products is an important document of productlawsuit .

  30. 利用RTCM算法研究一维光子晶体的缺陷模。研究了TE波和TM波入射时的情况,通过改变杂质层的光学厚度以及杂质层的折射率从而得出一些有重要指导意义的缺陷模特性。

    The properties of defect mode in one-dimensional photonic crystal are studied with RTCM arithmetic when incidence angles of TE wave and TM wave are zero .