
zhòng pào
  • heavy artillery;heavy artillery piece
重炮 [zhòng pào]
  • [heavy artillery] 重型大炮,如榴弹炮、加农炮、高射炮等

重炮[zhòng pào]
  1. 医院被重炮击中。

    The hospital had been hit with heavy artillery fire .

  2. 我们的重炮控制了通往镇上的每一条路。

    Our heavy artillery covered every possible approach to the town .

  3. 这位乌拉圭出生的重炮手轰出了28记爱司球。

    The Uruguayan-born big-hitter smashed 28 aces .

  4. Theenemyretreatedunderourheavyartilleryfire.敌人在我们的重炮轰击下撤退了。他们撤出了战场。

    They retreated from the battlefield .

  5. 日本人的重炮,正隔着柔佛海峡轰击新加坡的商业区。

    Japanese heavy artillery was shelling downtown Singapore across the Johore strait .

  6. 我们的部队一直经受着持续的重炮轰炸。

    Our troops came under prolonged bombardment by heavy guns .

  7. 他们就是不肯放弃那些重炮。

    They just didn 't want to give up those88s .

  8. 敌人在我们的重炮轰击下撤退了。

    The enemy retreated under our heavy artillery fire .

  9. 这部队有坦克和重炮。

    The army had tanks and heavy artillery .

  10. 白天也有用牵引车拖着走的重炮,

    There were big guns too that passed in the day drawn by tractors ,

  11. 他们搬来了重炮。

    They 're moving in the heavy artillery .

  12. 远处传来重炮的轰鸣声。

    In the distance , heavy guns roared .

  13. 这是一门重炮。

    This is a heavy artillery piece .

  14. 我在奥运和他打过,他是个重炮攻击的选手。

    I played him at the Olympics and he 's a great ball ? striker .

  15. 你能成为《重炮海盗》的一员感觉如何?

    How do you feel being a part in this " Queen of Langkasuka " movie ?

  16. 在遭受了两个多月的重炮轰击后,小镇最终还是在上星期投降了。

    The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months .

  17. 2月份,泰国和柬埔寨军方用重炮和机关枪相互轰击,导致几人丧生,其中包括平民,并且迫使数千人逃离该边境地区。

    Thai and Cambodian militaries exchanged heavy artillery and machine gun fire , killing several people , including civilians , and sending thousands fleeing the border .

  18. 有人问我为什么选他,并告诉我选像他那样的重炮手是个大错误。

    Some people ask me why I picked him , and tell me it 's a big mistake to go against a tough puncher like him .

  19. 重炮组渗透某地而不是找到具体目标。放置的很紧密以至于不可能被渗透。

    The heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target . set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration .

  20. 缅军使用重炮,无区别轰击,命中附近的一个寺庙,打死四名僧侣。

    The fighting was reported to have included the use of artillery by the SPDC , and a shell hit a nearby temple , killing four monks .

  21. 这种四联爆能炮被安装在有铰链的动力背带上,背带上的微型反重力悬浮装置有助于减轻这种重炮的总重量。

    The quad blaster is mounted on an articulated and powered harness , fitted with microrepulsorlift buoyancy cells that help reduce the overall weight of the heavy cannon .

  22. 深深的车辙把大路割得遍体鳞伤,那是骡马拖着重炮碾过之处,两旁都有车辆轧成的红色沟渠。

    Deep ruts and furrows were cut into the road where horses had dragged heavy guns along it and the red gullies on either side were deeply gashed by the wheels .

  23. 过去几天顿涅茨克的重炮袭击事件违反了俄罗斯,乌克兰及俄罗斯支持的叛军三方于9月5日至19日间在明斯克签署的一致同意的停火协议。

    Over the past several days , heavy shelling has occurred in Donetsk , contravening a ceasefire that was agreed to by Russia , Ukraine , and Russia-backed rebels in the Minsk agreements signed September 5th and September 19th .

  24. 官方称,一艘台湾渔场货船在行经马六甲海峡的时候,遭到海盗的袭击。船主受伤。日本人的重炮,正隔着柔佛海峡轰击新加坡的商业区。

    The captain of a Taiwan fisheries cargo ship has been wounded after his vessel was attacked by pirate boats in the Malacca Strait , officials said . Japanese heavy artillery was shelling downtown Singapore across the Johore Strait .