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  • 网络REORDER;Reordering;re-order;rearrange
  1. 这些统计数据将修复您的违规语句,但有时DBA不会像他们所喜欢的那么频繁地重新排序数据。

    These statistics will fix your offenders , but sometimes DBAs don 't reorder data as frequently as they 'd like to .

  2. 如果您想要重新排序purchase消息以在logout消息之后显示它。这是错误的,因为onlineStore在这点是不存在的。

    If you try to reorder the purchase message to place it after the logout message , this is not correct because the onlineStore no longer exists at that point .

  3. Monitor等待事件到达以重新排序。

    Monitor waits for events to arrive for reordering .

  4. 该页面列出了每一种类型的Web服务资源以及编目清单数据库中重新排序的资源的数量。

    This page lists each type of Web service asset and the number of assets recorded in the inventory database .

  5. 对被建议的键重新排序的时机可通过LeadingKeysOrderIndependent列表明。

    This opportunity for reordering of the advised keys is indicated via the " Leading Keys Order Independent " column .

  6. 这个重新排序过程的通用名字是ComplexFontLayout(CFL)。

    The generic name for this re-ordering procedure is Complex Font Layout ( CFL ) .

  7. 如果destroy消息得到重新排序,那么破坏生命线的末端点将会移动以匹配破坏消息的新位置。

    If a destroy message is reordered , the ending point of the destroyed lifeline will be moved to match the new location of the destroy message .

  8. 无论哪一列需要排序,都可以通过对根bean中的arrayList进行重新排序来实现。

    It does this by reordering the arrayList in the root bean for whatever column needs to be sorted .

  9. 将查询作为整体优化时,DB2会考虑一个查询段对另一个的影响,并且会考虑重新排序的查询段以确定一个最优查询路径。

    When a query is optimized as a whole , DB2 can consider the effect of one query block on another , and can consider reordering query blocks to determine an optimal query path .

  10. 特定的重新排序操作可能会导致目标模型变得无效,如果它们破坏UML2规则的话。

    Certain reorder operations may cause the target model to become invalid if they violate the UML2 specification .

  11. 虽然对volatile变量的读和写不能与对其他volatile变量的读和写一起重新排序,但是它们仍然可以与对nonvolatile变量的读写一起重新排序。

    While reads and writes of volatile variables could not be reordered with reads and writes of other volatile variables , they could still be reordered with reads and writes of nonvolatile variables .

  12. UDP程序不能依靠网络的可靠性;分组可能丢失或重新排序,它依靠应用程序处理这些情况。

    UDP programs cannot rely on the reliability of the network ; packets may be lost or reordered , and it 's up to the application to handle these situations .

  13. 尽管这些管理功能超出了本文的范围,您可以看到后端数据库的结构允许使用相应的SQL操作查看记录并重新排序。

    Although these management functions are beyond the scope of the current article , you can see that the structure of the back-end database would permit the reordering and review of records using the appropriate SQL operations .

  14. 每个CPU在自己的队列中进行调度,如果没有可运行的KSE,则从其他CPU那里取一些有软亲缘的KSE,并且重新排序。

    Each CPU schedules from its own queues , and resorts to stealing runnable softly affined KSEs from other CPUs if there are no runnable KSEs .

  15. 在将网格的行与网格外任何类型的模型数据相关联的时候,必须要格外小心,因为网格内的行在任何时候都可被重新排序(例如,使用sort动作)。

    You must be careful about correlating the rows of the grid to any type of model data outside the grid , because the rows in a grid can be reordered at any time ( for example , using a sort action ) .

  16. 然后根据原根可使数环重新排序的性质,利用一对原根对DFT运算的输入和输出序列重新排序,推导出DFT的循环卷积算法,进一步给出了此算法的结构图。

    Based on the character of primitive root can reorder the number ring and using the two primary root to reorder the input and output sequences of the DFT computation , a algorithm of DFT cyclic convolution was deducted and further structure diagram was given .

  17. 您可以在这里看到Cocoa的便捷性:您只需从数据表获取它的新排序描述符,使用它们来对CPDictionary重新排序,然后重新加载数据表。

    You can see the convenience of Cocoa at work here : you simply get its new sort descriptors from the table , use them to re-sort the underlying CPDictionary , and then reload the table .

  18. 消息集合也会重新排序到合并的片段中。

    The message set is then reordered into the combined fragment .

  19. 消息和生命线重新排序操作提供了方案。

    The message and lifeline reordering operation provides the solution .

  20. 您可以从一个位置到另一个位置重新排序单个生命线。

    You can reorder a single lifeline from one location to another .

  21. 许多优化依赖于对关键编程指令重新排序来提高性能。

    Many optimizations depend on reordering key programming instructions to improve performance .

  22. 弹性分组环中自动逻辑节点重新排序研究

    Study of Automatical Logical Node Reordering in Resilient Packet Ring

  23. 拖拽能力,包括任务分级和重新排序;

    Drag Drop capabilities across the software , including task ranking reordering .

  24. 进而通过问题类别信息,对问答查询结果重新排序。

    Then the QA query results are re-ranked by question class information .

  25. 基于成本控制策略的工艺流程重新排序模型

    Process flow reorder model based on cost control strategy

  26. 要求:请再听一遍新闻和对话,按事件发生先后将下列句子重新排序。

    Rearrange the following sentences in sequence of happening .

  27. 通过对节点的重新排序,优化出最佳的半带宽值。

    Through resort node , obtain optimal band width .

  28. 演示如何允许用户对列重新排序。

    Demonstrates enabling your users to reorder the columns .

  29. 哪些产品需要立即重新排序?

    Which products need to be reordered right away ?

  30. 调用属性页对输入参数重新排序,然后输入新的常数参数。

    Invokes property page to reorder input parameters and enter new constant parameters .