
  • 网络hilton chongqing hotel;Hilton Chongqing;Hilton;Hilton Hotel Chongqing
  1. 重庆希尔顿酒店作为本地市场的引领者,将为商旅人士和会展组织机构提供更优质的服务和更具竞争力的产品。

    As the industry leader , Hilton Chongqing aims to and continues to provide the perfect services and competitive products for our customers of business travel and MICE .

  2. 同样在7月,重庆市委开始对该市某宣传部副部长展开调查在一则负面报道引发的争论中,这名副部长涉嫌充当重庆希尔顿酒店的中间人。

    Also in July , the party in Chongqing Municipality began an investigation into allegations that its propaganda chief had acted as an intermediary for the local Hilton Hotel in an argument over a negative media report .