
  1. 缺乏活动最终会导致人们增重和身材走样。

    Lack of movement eventually leads to people putting on weight and getting out of shape .

  2. 结果表明,试验组在日增重和抑制仔猪下痢方面,显著优于对照组,并以C组效果最好。

    The result showed that there were significant difference in the daily growth and reducing dysentery among the control group , C was best .

  3. 且妊娠12天、25天和35天的母体总增重和净增重与采食量间均呈极显著线性增加(P<0.01)。

    There was a positive correlation between overall weight gain , or net weight gain and feed intake , showing a very significant linearity change ( P0.01 ) .

  4. 方法以S(180)荷瘤C(57)BL/6小鼠为模型,系统地研究双歧异黄酮奶粉对瘤重和脾细胞功能的影响。

    Methods S180 bearing C57BL / 6 mice as model , investigate effects of Bifidus isoflavone milk powder on tumor weight and immunological function of spleen cells systematically .

  5. 在单薯重和T/R值不变的条件下,适度提高密度是增加产量的主要途径。

    The main way of increasing yield was to increase plant density properly in the constant condition of single tuber weight and T / R value .

  6. 平均蛹重和化蛹率都大幅度下降,且生长发育速度较CK延迟。

    The average pupal weight and the pupation rate remarkably decreased and the rate of growth and development were both delayed to the contrast .

  7. 湖北早籼糙米营养价值研究(II)&糙米代替玉米作饲料对肥猪增重和肉品质影响的研究

    Nutritive Value of Early Long-grain Brown Rice in Hubei Province ( II ) & Effect of Substitution of Brown Rice for Maize as Energy Foodstuff on the Growth and Meat Quality of Growing-finishing Pigs

  8. 脑缺血24h后,观察神经症状,并测定脑湿重和脑梗死体积。

    Twenty four hours later , the neurological symptoms were observed , brains were weighted , and infarct volumes were measured by computer imaging analysis .

  9. R染色体组材料有较大的冠重和根重,可能是其具有最高WUE和产量的主要原因;

    R 's chromosome group material has bigger shoot weight and root-weight , and these probably were the major cause that bring it 's the highest WUE and yield .

  10. 体外血栓湿重和干重在MCI和PCI组高于对照组(P<0.05);

    The moist are dry weight of external thrombosis model were found to be raised in MCl and PCI groups as compared with those of control ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  11. AKP活性与平均日增重和眼肌面积的相关分别为-0.2317和-0.3295,而与胴体成份的相关较小。

    The activity of AKP was negatively related to average daily gain and eye muscle area , and they were -0.2317 and -0.3295 respectively .

  12. 讨论基于Internet的代理缓存的目标、性质和工作原理,从而论述了代理缓存技术成为解决Web访问速度慢、服务器负载重和网络阻塞等问题的主流技术的原因。

    The objective , characteristics and work principle of proxy cache for the Internet are discussed , which show that proxy cache is the main and effective technique to solve some key issues of Web such as slow access speed , sever overloading and network congestion .

  13. 大豆寡糖提高日采食量的程度最大,但只提高了5.55%(P>0.05),添加金霉素显著降低了增重和日采食量(P<0.05),分别比对照组降低了9.75%和9.51%。

    Feed intakes in SBOS were higher 5.55 % ( P > 0.05 ) than in the control group . CTC supplement significantly ( P < 0.05 ) decreased growths and feed intakes and were lower 9.75 % and 9.51 % than the control group , respectively .

  14. 采用摇瓶发酵法研究了不同碳源、氮源对恶臭假单胞菌S1干重和胞内海藻糖合成酶酶活力的影响。

    Influences of carbon and nitrogen sources on Pseudomonas putida S1 dry weight and on the activity of intracellular trehalose synthase , were studied in shaking flask scaled Fermentation .

  15. 基因型与鸡体组成性状进行的最小二乘分析结果表明BB基因型个体与AB基因型个体相比有较高的腹脂重和腹脂率(P<0.05)。

    The least square analysis showed that BB birds had significant higher ( P < 0 . 05 ) abdominal fat weight and percentage of abdominal fat than AB birds .

  16. 通过观察仙芦抗癌胶囊对S180A和H22荷瘤小鼠瘤重和生存时间的影响,观察其体内抗肿瘤作用。

    The in vivo antitumor action were studied by observing tumor weight and survival time of S_ ( 180 ) and H_ ( 22 ) mice .

  17. 试验结果显示,随CLA添加剂量的增加,日增重和日采食量呈二次曲线变化,饲料转化效率线性改善(P<0.05);

    With increased dietary CLA , average daily gain and average daily feed intake were increased quadratically ( P < 0.05 ) and feed efficiency was increased linearly ( P < 0.05 );

  18. 结果表明,与正常型相比,o2,su1,sh2,bt2单突变体和各种双突变体均不同程度降低百粒重和增加蛋白质含量;

    The results showed that , when compared with normal type , o_2 , su_1 , sh_2 , bt_2 single mutants and nearly all doub-le mutants decreased 100 - kernel weight and increased protein content in varing degrees .

  19. 热重和差热分析表明:前驱体于400℃开始形成LiMn2O4,并向尖晶石型结构转变。

    Results of TG and DTA show that LiMn_2O_4 can be formed after 400 ℃, followed by spinel structure transform .

  20. 种子钼处理(种子钼加土壤有效钼)对大多数品种的幼苗NRA、拔节期干物质重和子粒产量,均比施钼处理极显著降低。

    However , seedling NRA , shoot dry matter in stem elongation stage and grain yields for most cultivars ( Table 2 ~ 4 ) were significantly decreased on comparing to molybdenum application .

  21. 以杂交棉标杂A1、豫杂35和常规棉中棉所41为材料进行试验,结果表明杂交棉单铃重和皮棉产量均高于常规棉,且达极显著水平。

    The experiment was conducted on hybrid cotton cultivars : Biaoza A_1 、 Yuza 35 and conventional cultivar CCRI 41.The result showed that the weights of single boll and lint yield of hybrid cotton were significantly higher than those of the conventional cotton variety .

  22. 采用Gompertz方程拟合公母肉仔鸡的生长曲线,并通过不同数学公式分别描述肉仔鸡胴体蛋白重和羽毛蛋白重与活重的关系,筛选出最佳模型并与生长曲线组合。

    Gompertz equation was adopted for modeling the growth cure of sexes . Correlations between the weights of carcass protein , feather protein and live body weight of birds at various times were described with different mathematic equations , respectively .

  23. 5FU组及联合组的小鼠肝重和肝脏指数较对照组均明显下降(P<0.05);

    FU and GH / 5 ? FU group , liver weight and liver coefficient were significantly lower and lifespan was longer than that of control group ( P < 0.05 ) . In GH / 5 ?

  24. 有机肥配施NPK和秸秆配合NPK玉米产量(2004年)是无肥区(CK)的3.5倍多、百粒重和穗粒数分别较无肥区增加47.5%~54.8%和23.5%~34.6%;

    For combining organic fertilizer with NPK and straw with NPK , the yield of corn was over 3.5 times and the weight of 100 grains and the number of grain increased 47.5 % ~ 54.8 % and 23.5 % ~ 34.6 % than that of CK respectively .

  25. 故障模型为单重和多重固定故障。

    The fault model is single and multiple stuck faults .

  26. 基于神经网络的关系消重和排序运算

    The relational duplicate-removal and sorting computations based on Neural Networks

  27. 当腹泻指数高到77时,日增重和饲料利用率下降。

    Weight gain and feed conversion rate decreased when DI rose to 77 score .

  28. 模型(4)适合估计初生重和断乳重;

    Model ( 4 ) was fit to estimate birth weight and weaning litter weight .

  29. 嗉囊及腺胃重和食道长、重及厚度不受小麦麸的影响。

    Gizzard , glandular stomach and esophagus weights , length and thickness were not affected .

  30. 饲料中添加不同水平锰对生长育肥猪增重和组织中矿物元素沉积的影响

    Effects of Dietary Manganese Levels on Liveweight Gain and Mineral Retention in Tissues of Growing-Finishing Pig