
  • 网络Gravity Gradient;GOCE
  1. 重力梯度小卫星重力场捕获的Lyapunov法

    Method of attitude capture for gravity gradient small satellites based on the Lyapunov stabilization principle

  2. 利用重力梯度反演南海西南海盆深部构造

    Gravity gradient inversion of deep structure in the southwest sea basin

  3. 已有的Os同位素资料指示重力梯度带东、西两侧的岩石圈地幔具有不同的年龄;

    Os isotopic data available in literature suggest that the lithospheric mantle beneath both sides of the gravity lineament have different formation ages ;

  4. 利用重力梯度张量全分量求得的重力值精度比单用径向分量V(rr)的结果提高40%以上;

    The accuracy of gravity quantities obtained by all components of gravity gradient tensor will make an improvement of more than 40 % on that of the only radial component Vrr .

  5. 卫星重力梯度数据用于精化地球重力场的研究应用CHAMP星历精化地球重力场的正则化算法与模拟结果

    Application of Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Data to the Refinement of the Earth 's Gravity Field The Regularization Solution Model and Simulating Results of Modifying the Geopotential Model with the Ephemerides of CHAMP

  6. 卫星重力梯度向下延拓的谱方法

    Spectral method for the downward continuation of satellite gravity gradiometry data

  7. 其次论述重力梯度小型卫星平台可能达到的技术性能指标;

    Then some technical performances of gravity gradient satellite platform are presented .

  8. 气动力矩和重力梯度矩实现微小卫星三轴姿态控制

    Microsatellite Passivity Attitude Control Using Aerodynamic Torque and Gravity Gradient

  9. 卫星重力梯度测量与地球引力场的精度研究

    Research on accuracies for satellite gravity gradiometry and earth 's gravitational field

  10. 多用途重力梯度和磁控三轴稳定小型卫星公用平台

    Multi-mission gravity gradient and magnetic stabilization for small satellite platform

  11. 利用重力梯度矩实现卫星对地指向;

    The satellite can point to ground by gravity gradient .

  12. 具有主动磁控的重力梯度稳定系统的研究

    The Study of Active Magnetic Control System for Gravity Gradient Small Satellite

  13. 最小二乘法求解三类卫星重力梯度边值问题的研究

    Solving Three Types of Satellite Gravity Gradient Boundary Value Problems by Least-square

  14. 微重力环境中重力梯度加速度引起的流体晃动运动

    Gravity Gradient Acceleration Induced Fluid Sloshing Motion in Microgravity Environment

  15. 重力梯度仪加速度计控制回路分析与设计

    Analysis and design on control loops of gravity gradiometer accelerometer

  16. 基于扭矩测量的二维簧片重力梯度仪的设计

    Design of 2D flexure hinges gradiometer based on torsion measurement

  17. 重力梯度稳定微小卫星大角度机动最优控制的遗传算法

    Genetic algorithm for optimal large angle maneuvers of gravity gradient stabilized micro-satellites

  18. 重力梯度小卫星姿态捕获与稳定方法

    The Method of Attitude Capture and Stabilization for Gravity Gradient Small Satellite

  19. 快速傅里叶变换在卫星重力梯度测量中的应用

    Application of fast Fourier transformation in measuring satellite gravity gradient

  20. 平台式航空重力梯度仪测量原理与信号检测

    Measure principle and signal acquisition of airborne gravity gradiometer based inertial platform

  21. 完善了全张量重力梯度的有关应用。

    This paper makes the application of full satellite gradiometry sensor more perfect .

  22. 关于卫星重力梯度边值问题的准解的若干注记

    Some Remarks on the Pseudo solution to Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Boundary Value Problem

  23. 卫星重力梯度分量的广义轮胎调和分析

    Generalized Torus Harmonic Analysis of Satellite Gravity Gradients Component

  24. 这种情况下可以考虑采用重力梯度稳定;

    Under this case , the gravity gradient stability method would be considered .

  25. 基于动基座重力梯度仪的导弹主动段飞行状态估计

    Flight States Estimate of the Missile Active Phase Based on Moving-Based Gravity Gradiometer

  26. 重力梯度稳定卫星伸展动力学研究

    Satellite dynamics during deployment of the gravity gradient boom

  27. 卫星的形状为圆饼状,用以获得所需的重力梯度矩。

    The satellite in a disc shape is used to obtain gravity gradient .

  28. 基于重力梯度杆和磁铁的小卫星三轴姿态控制

    Small Satellite Three-Axis Passive Attitude Control Using Gravity Gradient Pole and Permanent Magnet

  29. 全加速度计惯性导航与重力梯度测量系统设计

    Design of all-accelerometer-based inertial navigation & gravity gradient measurement

  30. 重力梯度稳定卫星的数学模型和计算机仿真

    Mathematical model of Gravity Gradient Satellite and Computer Simulation