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  • 网络Drinking Song
  1. 保罗洗碗,马里奥把女儿送去睡觉,卢卡弹吉他,大家南腔北调地唱着尼尔杨(NeilYoung)的醉歌。美国女性主义心理学家黛博拉悄悄地告诉我:看看这些意大利好男人。

    And while Paolo washes the dishes and Mario puts his tired daughters to bed and Luca plays the guitar and everyone sings drunken Neil Young songs in various accents , Deborah the American feminist psychologist says quietly to me , Look around at these good Italian men .

  2. 酿得万家合欢酒愿与苍生同醉歌略述中国有机茶之乡&武义茶叶产业化经营的开发及其意义

    The Outline of China Organic Tea Town - The Development of Industrialization of Wuyi Tea and Its Meanings