
pèi zhì
  • configuration;configure;arrange;dispose;allocation;config;organization;deploy;collocation
配置 [pèi zhì]
  • (1) [dispose;deploy]∶作战时,根据任务、敌情、地形,将兵力、兵器布置在适当的位置

  • (2) [arrange]∶安排

配置[pèi zhì]
  1. 油气化探中△C与烃类异常的相互配置关系

    A mutual dispose relation between epigenetic carbonate (△ c ) anomaly and hydrocarbon anomaly in geochemical exploration for oil gas

  2. 使用Bind配置域名服务器详解

    Use Bind to dispose the name server in detail

  3. 这艘船配置了一所有12个床位的医院。

    The ship was outfitted with a 12-bed hospital .

  4. 所有的房间都配置了舒适的家具。

    All the rooms were comfortably furnished .

  5. 推荐配置为512K内存,640K内存则更佳。

    512k RAM is recommended and 640k RAM is preferred .

  6. 这将给我们一个重新配置资源的机会。

    It would give us an opportunity to redeploy our resources .

  7. 配置这个软件容易吗?

    How easy was it to configure the software ?

  8. 标准配置里包含了不锈钢储液罐。

    The standard spec includes stainless steel holding tanks .

  9. 价格因具体配置而异,从119美元至199美元不等。

    Prices range from $ 119 to $ 199 , depending on the particular configuration .

  10. 长车身和高档配置无不象征着财富。

    The length of the car and the high polish of its fittings both spoke of money

  11. 没有装备现代化设施的房地产能够卖到它配置了现代化设施情况下的市价的40%。

    Unmodernised property can sell for up to 40 per cent of its modernised market value .

  12. 再无其他高级轿车能按这个价格水平为你提供同样水准的标准配置。

    No other executive car can offer you the same level of standard equipment at this price .

  13. 巧妙配置的灯光把大理石雕像映衬得栩栩如生。

    Skillfully placed lights throw the marble figures into clear relief .

  14. 配置两个营的兵力进攻空军基地。

    Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base .

  15. 除此之外,我还有一些基本的推荐配置项。

    But beyond that , I have some basic recommendations .

  16. 二进制代码,文档,和配置文件需要几兆空间。

    A few megabytes for the binaries , documentation , and configuration files .

  17. 实验室配置了全新装备。

    The laboratory has been newly equipped .

  18. 极端情况下,一些批评者说,根据成本做出治疗决策是资源配置的一种形式。

    In the extreme , some critics have said that making treatment decisions based on cost is a form of rationing .

  19. 大多数道路、桥梁、交通、排水设施、电力网络以及通信设施都是50年前甚至100年前配置的,它们理所当然会被用到不能使用。

    Most roads , bridges , transit , water systems , the electric grid , and communications networks were installed 50 to 100 years ago , and they are largely taken for granted until they fail .

  20. 护卫舰是任何一个配置均衡的远洋舰队所必需的

    Frigates are a vital part of any balanced sea-going fleet .

  21. 南水北调工程是实现我国水资源优化配置、促进经济社会可持续发展、保障和改善民生的重大战略性基础设施。

    The South-to-North Water Diversion Project is important strategic infrastructure .

  22. 为啥现在人人都对系统配置情有独钟

    Why is everyone obsessing over system specs right now ?

  23. 应用程序配置文件设置重写计算机配置文件设置。

    The application configuration file setting overrides the machine configuration file setting .

  24. 额外的设置,配置不好的调制解调器不能确定适当的断开的语调

    Extra settings for configuring BAD modems that cannot identify proper disconnect tone .

  25. 可配置水下监视系统枣实验结果分析。第三部分。

    Deployable underwater Surveillance Systems-Analysis of Experimental Results . Part 3 ; Saclantcen rept .

  26. 资源高效配置、商品自由流动、竞争公平有序

    efficient allocation of resources , free flow of goods , and fair and orderly competition

  27. 比如清空数据库、配置,以及其他特别的请求等都属于这个类别

    Purging databases , configuring , and making other exceptional requests might fall into this category .

  28. 该问题的实质就是如何确定到解系统各部分的合理配置关系

    Its essential is how to determine the reasonable allocating among all parts of the declassification system .

  29. 公共场所和女职工比较多的用人单位应当配置母婴设施。

    Public areas and institutions employing a large number of female workers should also set up nursery services .

  30. 它看起来非常像一台打字机的键盘,上面配置着一排排典型打字机的按键,

    It looks very much like a typewriter keyboard with rows of keys arranged in the typical typewriter layout .