
  • 网络dujiangyan city;Dujiangyan
  1. 都江堰市GIS环境监测信息管理系统研究

    Research on GIS Environmental Monitoring Information Management System for Dujiangyan City

  2. 灾后社会关系重建与老年人的社会资本&以都江堰市Q安置社区为例

    Post-disaster Reconstruction of Social Relations and the Social Capital of the Elderly & Q Resettlement in Dujiangyan City as an Example of Community

  3. 基于SWOT的城市旅游发展研究&以都江堰市经济开发区为例

    Development Analysis of Urban Tourism Based on the SWOT & Take Economic Development Zone of Dujiangyan as an Example

  4. 都江堰市中小学教师队伍现状调查与SWOT分析

    The Investigation and SWOT Analysis on the Present Situation of the Teacher Troop of the Elementary and Middle Schools in Dujiangyan

  5. 纪念和交流&都江堰市北街小学设计

    Memory and Communication : Beijie Primary School Design , Dujiangyan City

  6. 都江堰市多龄期建筑楼梯间震害研究

    Study of staircase seismic damage of multi-aged building in Dujiangyan City

  7. 汶川地震中都江堰市房屋建筑失效模式分析

    Failure mode analysis of buildings in Dujiangyan in Wenchuan earthquake

  8. 都江堰市超越轻工机械有限公司欢迎您!

    Welcome sincerely to Du Jiangyan Chaoyue Light Industry Machine Co. , Ltd.

  9. 论都江堰市旅游商品规划

    On the Project of Tourist Commodities of Dujiangyan City

  10. 都江堰市景观生态绿地系统规划探讨

    Discussion on the Planning of the Landscape Ecological Greenbelt System of Dujiangyan City

  11. 都江堰市生态市建设

    An Approach to Constructing Ecological City of Dujiangyan City

  12. 基于多定权因子排序法对工业污染量化评价&以都江堰市为例

    Evaluation of Industrial Pollution Based on Multi-factor Weighting Compositor Method for Dujiangyan City

  13. 每天早上我都江堰市出去慢跑。

    I will go out for jogging every morning .

  14. 5.12地震灾后都江堰市生活饮用水的安全保障

    5.12 Dujiangyan Earthquake Life Safety Of Drinking Water

  15. 汶川地震都江堰市建筑震害空间分布及影响因素

    Damage spatial distribution and its influential factors in Dujiangyan City subjected to Wenchuan earthquake

  16. 汶川地震都江堰市建筑结构震害详查与分析

    Survey and analysis on seismic damage of structures of Dujiangyan in the Wenchuan earthquake

  17. 都江堰市生态经济区划研究

    Study on the eco-economical regionalization in Dujiangyan

  18. 都江堰市地震灾后居民医疗服务需求与利用情况调查

    An Investigation of Resident Medical Service Demand and Utilization after the Earthquake in Dujiangyan City

  19. 第六章都江堰市旅游房地产发展提出相关策略以及今后发展思路。

    Chapter VI Dujiangyan City tourism real estate development related strategies and future development ideas .

  20. 灾后重建的科学定位和战略思路&以都江堰市为例

    The Scientific Orientation and Strategic Thinking of Post-earthquake Reconstruction & Taking Dujiangyan City as an Example

  21. 研究森林变化对河川水沙影响的一种便捷方法&以四川省都江堰市白沙河为例

    A Forthright Way of Research on Effect of Forests Change on Flow and Sediment of River

  22. 分析了都江堰市生物多样性的特点、保护现状及存在问题;

    The characteristics , status of conservation and problems of biodiversity in Dujiangyan City are analyzed .

  23. 汶川大地震都江堰市白沙河堰塞湖工程地质力学分析

    Engineering Geo-mechanics Analysis of the Barrier Lake in Baisha River at Dujiangyan City Induced by Wenchuan Earthquake

  24. 据都江堰市文物局局长樊拓宇介绍,修护工作主要包括两个部分。

    According to Fan Tuoyu , head of Dujiangyan Cultural Heritage Bureau , the project includes two phases .

  25. 紫坪铺水利枢纽工程位于四川省西部的岷江上游,映秀至都江堰市沙金坝河段上。

    Zipingpu Multi-purpose Dam Construction Project is located at Yingxiu-Dujiangyan reach , upstream of Minjiang river , west Sichuan .

  26. 2008年的汶川地震给都江堰市带来了毁灭性的打击,以旅游为主的经济遭受前所未有的重创。

    The 2008 earthquake in Wenchuan brought a devastating to Dujiangyan city , which consequently destroyed the local tourism economy .

  27. 在都江堰市,家长们被警察阻止靠近新建小学的废墟。

    In Dujiangyan , parents were kept from approaching the ruins of the Xinjian Elementary School by police officers , The A.

  28. 四川都江堰市聚源中学教学楼垮塌,18个班被埋,目前已有超过60人死亡。

    Dujiangyan City of Sichuan source of secondary-school buildingscollapsed and buried 18 classes , there are more than 60 people werekilled .

  29. 并分析了都江堰市在现代大规模的城市建设中,城市特色风貌较为杂乱,缺乏组织;

    Under the modern large-scaled construction of Dujiangyan city , the building style and features is relatively confused and lack of organization .

  30. 都江堰市具有建成生态市的良好自然条件和社会经济基础,但也面临着严峻的挑战。

    Although it has excellent natural conditions and social and economic base for constructing ecological city , it is facing serious challenges .