- widow;relict

[widow] 丈夫死后留下的妻子
The victim 's widow was today being comforted by family and friends .
His widow has taken over the running of his empire , including six London theatres
Nobody was allowed to eat in the Empress Dowager 's presence .
Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the torch of his Stalinist legacy .
Sometime after Paul died , his widow1 , Lily , was finally able to speak about what a thoughtful2 and wonderful man her late husband had been .
Sometimes there was a touch of theatre to his drive , such as when he invited the widows and wives of former Afrikaner Nationalist leaders to tea at his residence .
So if a husband 's ex-wife is still listed as the beneficiary of his 401 ( k ) account -- a common oversight -- his widow will be out of luck .
This later led to a legal battle between Apple Corp , owned by Beatles band members Paul McCartney , Ringo Starr and John Lennon 's widow Yoko Ono .
Violet , the first name of the matriarchal Dowager Countess of Grantham played by Dame Maggie Smith , has seen a particularly large comeback after it made the top 100 girls ' names for 2013 .
Spoiler alert for Bridget Jones fans and tissues at the ready - Mark Darcy is dead and the world 's most famous singleton has become a widow .
Consumers like Charlie Bishop whose best friend passed away 2 years ago . Charlie ended up marrying his late friend 's widow , and adopting their daugher Lauren who 's 7 months old at the time .
Kennedy 's widow is on hand to support Coakley , who concedes the nation 's top issue , the economy , is not on her side .
His widow Aleida March said she 'd decided to publish the unedited writings , Diary of a Combatant , so that readers could get to know him just as he was .
Wauthier 's widow recalled that , " Usually he had seven hours " sleep and the rest of the time it was BlackBerry in one hand , laptop in the other , " and that he was under heavy pressure .
That is a step few want to take - with rare exceptions such as Italy-born Congress party leader Sonia Gandhi , widow of the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi , and prominent Belgium-born economist Jean Dr è ze .
His collection of Italian paintings ( among them works by Botticelli , Titian and Bellini ) was left to his widow and , on her death , to the National Gallery .
Lee Hee-ho , widow of Kim Dae-jung , the former South Korean president who launched a sunshine policy of rapprochement with the North , was quoted by KCNA as saying she still hoped for unification as soon as possible .
Smith , 81 , who won an Emmy for her performance as Violet , Dowager Countess of Grantham in the show , had previously been skeptical about the endeavor , saying a year ago she feared her character 's advancing years ruled her out of such an appearance .
His widow , Joice Mujuru , who 's one of the country 's two vice presidents , has been engaged in a bitter succession battle .
But in March , the Emerson Collective , an organization set up by Laurene Powell Jobs , the widow of Apple 's co-founder , Steve Jobs , said it had tapped Arne Duncan , the former education secretary , to lead an effort focused on young people in Chicago .
Dr Lee 's widow has requested that in lieu of flowers , donations in memory of Dr Lee should be given to the project where she works , Socios En Salud in Lima , Peru .
The cousin , who only identified herself as Ms. Umi and who spoke to reporters at Kuala Lumpur International Airport , said she had come to the airport with the pilot 's widow and children .
In one fell swoop , the Dowager Countess ( Maggie Smith ) abandoned any thought of rekindling a past infatuation with the Russian Prince Kuragin , and Isobel Crawley ( Penelope Wilton ) closed the door on her engagement to Lord Merton .
In the past , widows or daughters inherited their position .
Cody 's widow , I mean , and the kid .
A queen dowager who is mother of the reigning sovereign .
His widow 's initiated a wrongful death action against us .
Cremating them in time to give them to his widow .
He 'd forgotten to telegraph condolences to the widow .
It seems that the professor 's widow contacted him .