
  • 网络genetic map;genetic mapping;genetic linkage
  1. 遗传图及其制作与应用的一些问题

    Genetic map and some problems in its mapping and usage

  2. 脂肪细胞分化差异表达基因与其染色体所在遗传图位置的相关性分析

    Analysis of the Relationship between Globally Regulated Genes and Their Chromosomal Genetic Map Loci during Adipogenesis

  3. 我们在一片花旗松森林中的所有树和所有真菌中,提取了它们的DNA短序列,并且制作了这份遗传图。

    We made this map by examining the short sequences of DNA of every tree and every fungal individual in a patch of Douglas fir forest .

  4. 小麦遗传图与水稻物理图的比较。

    Comparative analysis of wheat genetic maps with rice physical maps .

  5. 用这种方法来绘制100个突变型的遗传图就要做5000个杂交。

    To map 100 mutants by this method would necessitate nearly 5,000 crosses .

  6. 植物细胞遗传图及其应用

    Cytogenetic Maps and their Applications in Plants

  7. 浅谈三点测交作遗传图

    On Genetic Mapping by Three-point Testcross

  8. 应用参考家系信息构建猪12号染色体部分微位星位点遗传图的研究

    Constraction of genetic linkage map of microsatellites on porcine chromosome 12 by using reference family information

  9. 由此策略产生的人类基因组计划主要的成果是:遗传图、物理图、转录图、序列图。

    The achievements derived from this point include genetic linkage map , physical map , transcription map and sequence map .

  10. 水稻第六染色体长臂亚端粒区遗传图与物理图的整合

    Integration of the Genetic Map and the Physical Map of the Subterminal Region on the Longer Arm of Rice Chromosome 6

  11. 等位酶分析中,在遗传图距12.3处可以将供试的光皮树优株分为5大类。

    In the figure of classification , we can divided the plus trees to 5 groups at 12.3 in genetic linkage map .

  12. 目前,除了单核苷酸多态性位点的开发仍在进行之外,遗传图的绘制工作可以说已经完成。

    So far , the mapping work has nearly ended , however , the effort to explore new SNPs locus still continues .

  13. 通过分析3T3L1脂肪细胞分化差异表达基因在染色体遗传图上的位置,对共同表达诱导或抑制的基因群体的调控与它们在染色体遗传图上的位置分布的关系进行分析。

    By locating their chromosomal genetic map positions , the positional correlation of these differentiation regulated genes with their expression regulation was analyzed .

  14. 这标志着遗传图已全面进入应用阶段,并日益成为功能基因组计划不可或缺的工具。

    The genetic map has begun to serve other research purposes and has come to be an indispensable tool to fulfill the functional genome project .

  15. 他们为一个叫塔沙的斗拳狗的高度近亲繁殖做选择,破解了她的基因秘密,并比较了其他类型的狗和哺乳动物的部分遗传图。

    A boxer named Tasha , selected for her high degree of inbreeding , has had her genetic secrets puzzled out and then compared to partial genetic pictures of other breeds of dog and other mammals .

  16. 概述了遗传图在实际工作中的应用领域,并重点综述了遗传图应用于连锁分析时应注意的几个问题,尤其是遗传标记的选择、交叉干涉现象对连锁分析的影响。

    Based on these is a summary of the usage of genetic maps and some problems that deserve attention in the use of genetic map , such as the choice of genetic markers and the affection of chiasma interference .

  17. 遗传连锁图的构建及基于基因组DNA分子标记的开发将有助于多花黑麦草的遗传及育种研究。

    With construction of genetic linkage map and development of molecular marker based on DNA , it would facilitate genetic research and breeding of Italian ryegrass .

  18. 一张含有227个SSR标记的大豆遗传连锁图

    A Soybean Genetic Linkage Map Comprising of 227 SSR Loci in a Soybean RIL Population

  19. 金针菇遗传连锁图的构建及菌丝生长速度的QTL定位

    Genetic Linkage Map and Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling Vegetative Growth Rate in the Edible Basidiomycete Flammulina Velutipes

  20. 利用AFLP遗传连锁图定位大麦苗期对叶锈病的部分抗性基因

    Localization of Genes for Partial Resistance to Puccinia hordei at the Seedling Stage in Barley by Using AFLP Markers

  21. 利用这些新开发的SSR引物和一个甘蓝型油菜DH群体构建了一张甘蓝型油菜核心遗传连锁图。

    A universal core linkage map was constructed using these newly developed SSR markers and a doubled haploid population of Brassica napus .

  22. 然后在优化条件下使用筛选出的RAPD特异引物OPD-8对样品进行扩增,得到了RAPD指纹图谱及遗传聚类图。

    Then RAPD fingerprinting and the dendrogram was obtained by differential primers OPD-8 selected under the optimization .

  23. 主要结果如下:1.利用SSR标记对DH群体进行了基因型分析,构建了分子标记遗传连锁图。

    The main results are summarized as follow : 1 . The linkage map for the DH population was constructed based on SSR data .

  24. 利用UPGMA法,根据相似性系数构建的群体遗传聚类图直观地反映出了4个地点之间的关系。

    Population genetic clustering diagram constructed accordance the similarity coefficient by UPGMA method directly reflect the relationship between the four locations .

  25. 构建蜜蜂的遗传连锁图,确定蜜蜂的性基因位点(x)、黑色体色基因位点(blk)、苹果酸脱氢酶I(Mdh-l)位点分别位于第三、六、十八个连锁群;

    The x locus for sex determination and genes for black body color and malate dehydrogenase were mapped on linkage group III , VI , X ⅷ, respectively .

  26. 大豆SSR-AFLP遗传连锁图构建及大豆SCN抗性相关座位定位

    Construction of Soybean SSR-AFLP Based Genetic Linkage Map and Mapping of Resistance to Soybean SCN Interrelated Loci

  27. ERIC-PCR遗传指纹图分析表明,设置水生植物的净化池微生物群落结构相似性大于未设置植物的净化池,且微生物多样性也较未设置植物的净化池高。

    ERIC-PCR fingerprinting analysis indicated that the ponds with hydrophyte had more abundant microbial community structure similarity and diversity than those without hydrophytes .

  28. 应用粳稻金南风巨大胚突变体和籼稻南京11杂交F2群体58个植株构建了包含74个分子标记位点的遗传连锁图。

    Using 58 plants derived from the F2 population of the cross Nanjing 11 ( indica ) / Kinmaze ge mutant ( japonica ), a rice molecular linkage map containing 74 markers and referring to 12 linkage groups ( chromosomes ) was constructed .

  29. 根据1995~1997年最新版CABI(国际英联邦农业文摘数据库)资料,就以下几个方面着重讨论麦类作物分子标记的最新进展及存在的问题:①遗传连锁图的绘制;

    On the basis of CABI data ( 1995 ~ 1997 ), the authors of this paper discussed recent progress and problems related to molecular marker application to tritical crops in the following four aspects : ① genetic chain mapping ;

  30. 基于微卫星标记建立了一个遗传连锁图。

    A genetic linkage map was constructed based on SSR markers .