
Lee attended Huntingdon College , a local Methodist school for women , where she contributed occasional articles to the campus newspaper and two fictional vignettes to the college 's literary magazine .
Analysis on the Background of Methodism in Guizhou , Yunnan and Sichuan
When G Piercy arrived in Hongkong in 1851 , English Methodist Missionary Society began her missionary work in China .
In the fieldwork , the author to the local brocade successors , male , folk dragon by collectors as the investigation object , they visit .
The Nackground of Methodism in nationalities'region of Guizhou , Yunnan and Sichuan in modern times are : the colonial aggressions of Western big powers on China ;
Second , according to EMMS 's key emphasis in work in every period , I summarize the religion , medicine and education work of EMMS in Guangdong district .
In Coming Home , Zhang deals with a dramatic story in such a quiet way that the audience 's emotions are drawn out little by little by the main characters , as they struggle in pain while their heroic inner strength shines .
With the collusion of the three women characters ( symbols of Irish corrupt customs ) and the dead Michael Furey ( Symbol of the Gael culture ), the hero Gabriel , the representative of Anglo-Irish Culture , is suppressed and castrated and at last becomes a live dead .
In his the picture of Dorian gray , a novel embodying his mask theory and one with a good function of moral education , Wilde reveals the truth of inevitable punishment for any morally degenerated person and exposes satirically the evils of the characters with masks like dorian .